Can someone help me out. I'm trying to download mechwarrior 3 for free to get ready for 4,but I can't figure out were to go. Can someone send me a link to download the game please.

help this newb
Started by evolben, Jul 27 2012 03:50 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 27 July 2012 - 03:50 PM
Posted 27 July 2012 - 03:57 PM
hmmm, i believe mechwarrior 4 mercs is the only free one available through MTX...
Posted 27 July 2012 - 03:59 PM
Mechwarrior 3 is still illegal to download. Mechwarrior 4: Mercernaries is free at legaly... and still being updated.
Posted 27 July 2012 - 04:23 PM
Did you just post your email address on public forums? I guess you better get prepared for the mass spam you are going to get from all the bots that prowl the net for this very purpose.
Friendly hint: Take it down before you need to make a new email.
Friendly hint: Take it down before you need to make a new email.
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