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Cosmetic Rewards For Veteran Mechs

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#1 Laconicus


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Posted 12 March 2014 - 03:01 AM

As you play through a mech line I have found that some variants you fall in love with and just play over and over again. At first you become familiar then proficient and later a veteran. So it’s a great shame that no visual reward is available to a player to unlock as they progress through the game.
The visual unlocks could be progressive and be simple variants of the basic cammo patterns or even specific colours. As you progress you unlock combinations of these until at its zenith your Mech displays the lot.
To other players on the field this would stand out, denoting the player not only has worked their way through but has logged a whole heap of time on that Mech. To the player it gives something to aim for a purpose to grind and build a reputation on the field of battle that is visual and easily recognised and not only viewed by the odd player looking at your profile.
Taken one step further certain mechs my unlock House specific markings or patterns, the ideas and variations are limitless given the depth of the game itself. Lord forbid you could even go as far as unlocking famous regiments.
I know Clan Wars (Used in the internet common meaning not MechWarrior specific) will add depth but many players will not partake and this gives something outside of this to aim for.
Since this is a wish list I will finish with this, the Medium Mech Madness was a good idea. But what if instead of MC give aways only the top ten players received an Elite Cammo pattern they could use on their mechs. That is a prize people can get excited about and it’s a great brag item when you hit the field too.
Besides that keep up the great work and too the haters hugs and rainbows, hugs and rainbows.

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