-- Default system.cfg configuration for development
-- Your personal settings can be stored in 'systemcfgoverride.cfg' so that they don't create
-- any conflicts for version control
-- *************************************************************************************************
-- Disable fullscreen mode
r_Fullscreen = 0
-- Set 16 by 9
r_Width = 1280
r_Height = 720
-- Set D3D driver to DX9 (DX11 does not work yet)
r_Driver = "DX9"
-- Shaders are compiled in parallel in precache mode
r_ShadersAsyncCompiling = 0
-- Defaults System Spec to Medium (Launcher)
sys_spec = 2
sys_float_exceptions = 0
r_stereodevice = 1
-- Set a high threshold for clamping delta-time values to avoid unnecessary snapping around small lag spikes
t_MaxStep = 1
-- The omicron online backend server address to connect to. This will be different per branch
oo_backend_server_address = ""
-- For development only, on pc and when no dbas used, disabling unloading of on demand animations
ca_UnloadAnimationCAF = 0
I just knowticed this when looking in the folder I didnt touch anything but shouldnt the bolded underlined part be changed?
Edited by Whatzituyah, 16 March 2014 - 05:43 PM.