Adiuvo, on 14 March 2014 - 02:58 PM, said:
Matchmaker is random. Everyone has the same chance of getting a good quality or poor quality team as you. Since everyone is under the same conditions, individual contributions will be exposed over time, and will be reflected in your W/L.
So yeah, W/L is pretty well linked to player skill. You won't be able to tell if someone with say, a 2.0 is better or worse than someone with a 4.0 since that's likely a result of player group quality, but something like .8 vs 1.5? There's a good indication on player quality in those kinds of numbers.
Ok...I can see how you'd think that, but you're incorrect on so many levels that it's hard to set you straight....
Elo is married to but separate from the Matchmaker.
Elo starts out at 1400 when you're done with your Cadet Matches and tops out at 2900. Those are numbers you REALLY need to keep in mind. There are 1500 points between "Derp" and "Elite."
The Matchmaker is allowed to go up or down to a maximum of 1400 points to find players to fill a match. That means if you have a 2900, you could very easily be playing with people at a 1500 level. And vice-versa....if you're at 1500, you could very easily get clubbed by a 2900 because...that's fair.
The Matchmaker, when putting a match together, puts two teams together and predicts which one will win and which one will lose. This is IMPORTANT.
If you are on the team predicted to win and you do, in fact, win...your Elo will NOT CHANGE. If you're on the team predicted to win and you actually lose, then your Elo will drop by up to 50 points.
If you are on the team predicted to lose and you, in fact, lose...your Elo will NOT CHANGE. If you win, it will go up by up to 50 points.
Basically, your Elo only changes when you're on a team predicted to do something and you don't go with the prediction.
The Matchmaker is DESIGNED to put two teams together and try to make teams as even as possible by "average Elo score." I won't insult you by explaining how averages are figured out. We'll just assume you get it. any given match, since the vast majority of players are in the middle of the bell curve (many of which are 'new players' with artificially inflated Elo scores), the matchmaker is going to put the true middle players on one team...the team it predicts to win....and it's going to put the lower scores, (along with a few higher score "ringers" to even them out) on the team it predicts to lose.
Ultimately, the Matchmaker is doing it's absolute best to keep YOU and everyone else at a 1:1 win/loss ratio. Don't believe me? Look at your stats. You can't tell me you've got anything like 2500 wins and 1000 losses. It doesn't happen. If it does, then there's something wrong or you're dropping in 12 mans all the time....because the matchmaker doesn't effect 12 man drops at all.
It is what it is. It's half-finished, a "work in progress", something that drives new players away faster than you can say "fat woman".....and it's what we've got. Unless someone here is willing to go to the twitter feed and massage their egos long enough to get their attention, nothing is EVER going to be fixed. And...even if it IS fixed, odds are good it'll be half-assed and broken anyway.
Welcome to Derpwarrior Online.
Edited by Willard Phule, 14 March 2014 - 03:19 PM.