}{avoc, on 21 November 2011 - 12:58 PM, said:
I must have missed a topic somewhere, I didn't see in the Q&A or the FAQ where it was mentioned how the Merc Corps would be organized, though I have seen a few pop up of how people would organize their corp.
Can you please let me know where/who posted this? I'd love to read it.
From the FAQ...
Q. Will team play be a major part of MechWarrior® Online™, as described in the 2009 interview?
A. Yes. A big yes in fact. Team play will be critical in combat as player roles and BattleMech builds will vary from player to player. Whether you play as a scout or as an assault type, it's completely up to you and each of the roles is very important to fill on the battlefield.
That's one! In their very first article with, I believe PC Gamer, they expressed that Lances would be set up, and in the Merc Corps HQ, higher levels of organization, ranks, awards, etc., could be handled, as well. You should do some reading, please?
I 100% agree that this team does and should revolve around team mechanics, but that shouldn't mean that people who are only a group of 3, 2, or solo shouldn't be dissuaded from playing the game.
No one has said that. In fact, in the PC Gamer article, they mention lone wolves. Look, go to my Facebook page for MW, scroll all the way to the initial post, then start scrolling up slowly. I have posted, I believe, every single article and ISN News Update posted thus far, and you can click into all of them; I've been following this very closely. Bryan Ekman also began a thread, though I'm not finding it right this moment, for all of the articles relevant to this game. However, if you're allergic to reading, and I'm being snippy, here, don't ask for proof, please?
As I said, if my groupmates are online I'll definitely play with them, but if I'm the only guy in my Merc Corp who's online I don't want to be sitting on my thumbs playing with myself until 3 more guys log in.
You'll probably have to do some recruiting for more folks, then, if you want to have a Merc Corps and the boots to hit the ground with.
If there is no missions that can be run by someone solo, then there needs to be some mechanism of getting 4 people into a lance, whether that mechanism is a LFG tool or random mission assignments (8 solo people all queue that they are LFG solo, they get queued up in a 4v4 match).
If not immediately, I believe Solaris will, eventually make it into the game. Now, I've advocated for a Ghost system, where lone wolves and bored unit members who are doing nothing, which I honestly hope will not be the case, can use their character as a sort of in-game avatar to fill the shoes of a PvE/AI 'Mech, but since PvE is not something presently being considered, to the best of my knowledge, it might be some time before that happens.
Again, I have been visiting the forums pretty religiously but must have missed this one, if you can direct me to the info I'd appreciate it.
My friend, there is all manner of information out there, all you need to do is click the Forum button up-top-right periodically, look at the currently cooking topics to the right and further down the page, and then at the Announcements forum at the very top, and you'll know what's going on. Otherwise, Google search is your pal with regards to MWO. Have a good one.
Dihm, on 21 November 2011 - 01:07 PM, said:
I don't know how I feel about "Lone Wolves" joining in to the conquest matches if they have no Merc Corp. Isn't that what the other mode is for (I can never remember the name of it)? Conquest is the "hardcore" non-casual version, if people want to be part of it they should have to join up with SOMEONE.
I just call the other mode Missions, where you can play on Solaris, or in various forms of DeathMatch, Capture the Flag, and other game types. Also, in Conquest mode, if the devs make it so a planetary assault or other mission is mapped out, by them, in several parts, in order to complete the contract, lone wolves could be handy in the earlier parts, doing recon missions and the sort.
If the solo (or lower than a lance group) is part of a Merc Corp and has a contract with a House, I figure they can link up with other people under a similar contract (maybe through a chat window) to fill out the lance to full strength, and then drop. I don't think I want to see completely random PUGs in Conquest at all.
If that made any sense.
I'm afraid not to me, but then I'm a hardcore merc; you want to work for me, you need to join me, and stay on, is my attitude. Unless all of the contractors/mercs have been hired by the same House/element for the same mission on the same planet, I don't think that's a very good idea. Contracts need to be for Merc Corps with minimum number of members. The lion's share of those should be single Lance, a full four members, because the devs have said the smallest element in a Merc Corps is the Lance. Anything smaller risks failure. Now, will the mission be completable by only ONE of the Lance members, that's something to be decided on by the Lance Leader.