Stats that will be wiped:
The stats that are being wiped are match play related. Kills, deaths, wins, losses, C-Bills/match, XP/match, kill assists, spot assists, etc. are some examples.
Stats that will not be wiped:
What will NOT be wiped are player’s current XP balance, GXP balance, C-Bill balance, Mech Trees, Pilot Trees, Inventory, Mechs/Mech Bays and ELO.
Well I am happy ... at least they are not going to delete my mechs, but they could at least delete my ELO
Now here is the reason why I posted:
All current gameplay stats will be archived and will remain available to players in a historical view available on the website in the near future.
Why not roll over these stats and just hand out achievements now, instead of making us work for them again? Not that I am angry that I have to work for it again just asking if there was an issue which forced them this way?
Next is why not have it already setup to show historical data and install that at the same time instead of having to risk a lose of the data with a wait in the wing for the update after or feature to be created later to show it?
So yep just interested in the public's opinion and if mod's or dev's want to reply. HAPPY HUNTING!!!