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We're All Already Clanners, Bring On The Inner Sphere!

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#1 Surtosi


  • PipPip
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  • LocationLouisiana

Posted 18 March 2014 - 07:13 PM

With clan battle-mechs on the way, I say we've been playing not as mercs but more like clanners in what we complain about and want our game to be like.

Think about it: in clan-on-clan violence we see
1) equal forces of size and skill
2) a hatred of indirect fire
3) universal compliance to accepted rules of engagement(no retreat, do not leave the zone)
4) loud complaints of "dishonorable" combat when one side finds an advantage

sounds like everything being done in the name of "balance" to the game to me.

The advantage of the inner sphere is the use of unconventional tactics, lots of support fire, and the ability to get more units to the front faster. Inner sphere units should love LRMs, stacking whole companies with light or assault mechs, and commencing with annoying shenanigans(trolling) that pull clan pilots into unfavorable one-on-many confrontations.

Here's what I'd like to see happen:
  • Pick your side: Clan or Inner Sphere with separate rewards/achievements for each along their combat philosophies.
  • more alternate functions from weapons: heat-damage distorts sensors, AC/Missle fire gets splash damage, lasers cause slow effect when hitting joints due to armor slag, ect
  • Weapons reflect their side: clan are long range surgical tools while sphere weapons are more effective when brawling(maybe lower heat cost). Sphere weapons are also bulkier and should also give an advantage to melee combat when it's introduced as well as give the weapon systems more hit points than their clan counterparts.
  • "Dying" in a sphere mech should continue as-is(you can immediately play that mech when the match is over). "Dying" in a clan mech should reflect the longer resupply times so should be made out of commission for a round or two or three. This would encourage clan mechs to play cautious even with their tech advantage while sphere pilots can be reckless without a penalty(besides dying alone that is).
that's my peace, now please share your opinion below and thanks for reading!

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