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The Daily Whine

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#10821 jper4


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Posted 04 November 2017 - 11:23 AM

View PostKorak18, on 02 November 2017 - 03:49 PM, said:

Ran into the same one myself....yep they are out there..

those are the best ones to face tank in a light while standing between it's two ballistic arms.

#10822 Alexandra Hekmatyar


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Posted 06 November 2017 - 03:56 PM

I will invoke the power of the daily whine!
By whining about IS potatoes in faction play, thinking they can trade with clanners on long ranges and win that fight.
I gonna tell ya something, you ain't winning that fight.

#10823 C E Dwyer


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Posted 09 November 2017 - 02:27 PM

I don't know why I come to the forums anymore. I haven't played the game in weeks.

I don't actually want to stop playing, but we're coming up to the fourth year of 'live' and nearly another two years of beta, and P.G.I do nothing but show they're as clueless as they were in the beginning.

I'm hoping the loyalty mechs breath a bit of enthusiasm back, still love my victors. That or I think it's time to delete my links and uninstall, so I don't become one of those pointless noises raging on the game, that hasn't played for years.

#10824 Trenchbird


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Posted 12 November 2017 - 12:37 PM

Ended up taking on an Ebon Jaguar and Enforcer at the same time and won today. Ebon Jaguar was killed by CT damage and the Enforcer killed himself via overheat.

I was in a Centurion Yen-Lo Wang.

See, that's not the annoying part. It's the fact that some random player was adamant about thinking I was a pathetic player and wanted to look up my stats and use that to derive 'Hurr durr Catten Hart is a liar'.

The hell is wrong with people. I know I'm not great with my current season stats, but damn, let me have my moments.

Edit was due to apparently using my Season 16 stats from the Jarl's list. I'm doing worse this season thus far.

Edited by Catten Hart, 12 November 2017 - 12:39 PM.

#10825 loopala


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Posted 12 November 2017 - 07:42 PM

View PostCatten Hart, on 12 November 2017 - 12:37 PM, said:

Ended up taking on an Ebon Jaguar and Enforcer at the same time and won today. Ebon Jaguar was killed by CT damage and the Enforcer killed himself via overheat.

I was in a Centurion Yen-Lo Wang.

See, that's not the annoying part. It's the fact that some random player was adamant about thinking I was a pathetic player and wanted to look up my stats and use that to derive 'Hurr durr Catten Hart is a liar'.

The hell is wrong with people. I know I'm not great with my current season stats, but damn, let me have my moments.

Edit was due to apparently using my Season 16 stats from the Jarl's list. I'm doing worse this season thus far.

screw the stats! you are more then just a bunch of numbers!

#10826 Bud Crue


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Posted 13 November 2017 - 04:00 AM

First I pugged in scouting and got collect. The worthies on my team were running cicadas and a locust and when I asked if they were maybe a little light, they said they played to the objectives and called me a noob for not realizing that -despite the event mind you.

Then I got the same guys in the same mechs on the next match who explained to me that now that we are on protect we would be fighting mechs because that was the objective (though they were still in the same locust and cicada).

Well, my whine is not that. My whine is that I thought I grabbed a Griffin with 2MRM 30s and instead grabbed an identical looking Griffin running 2 LRM 15s which i built as a theme night joke, like a year ago, and it didn't even have nodes, and to make an already bad situation worse I couldn't remember what the minimum range is for LRMs (since I haven't run LRMs in a very long time) and thus wasted probably half my shots. Fu**!

The moral: Don't pug. Ignore the event. Play with your team. They will help you avoid being an idiot.

Edited by Bud Crue, 13 November 2017 - 04:01 AM.

#10827 mad kat


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 01:18 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 26 October 2017 - 03:11 AM, said:

I cannot...CAN NOT play the Kodiak 3. Been trying to play a couple of QP matches before work (so as to not force folks to drop tonnage when we play in the evening) and it has been a nightmare.

Running the 400 with 2UAC5 and 2UAC10 and it is such a pig and big target that if I push and don't get the team with me I am dead almost instantly. I've probably played 20 matches thus far and been part of 3 wins and only 1 where I made a real contribution. Most have been sub 200pts. Just awful. Haven't had such a bad grind since wolverines. Gonna rebuild it to a MK-II-1 build and see if that helps. Maybe put those giant swinging arms to some use. Damn. At least I don't have to worry about re-skilling it!

I've only tried the Trial version but i found it to be MWO easy mode (like a lot of clan mechs) One of the reasons mine gather much more dust. But If its anything like the Atlas in solo queue it gets focused hard. Your own team ignore you and run off and the enemy team focus you. There have been matches when my locusts feel better armoured, even when legged!

This is the main reason i rarely run slow Bullet magnet assaults, King crab being the only exception and the best IMO proper assault. (Probably due to the heavy rather than assault movement archetype).

Edited by mad kat, 15 November 2017 - 01:19 AM.

#10828 C E Dwyer


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 08:01 AM

So ...

I dropped last night for the first time in nearly a month.

Took less than three minutes for some irate Aussie calling his team useless, also other things for not being aggressive enough and apparently another player thought I was lucky and not in the supportive way, because I solo killed a scorch in the new Victor.

No not a crazy ballistic Ultra 20, M.R.M.10 three E.R.M.L's and a pair of LMG's

Nice to have such supportive team mates lol.

I totally understand why people turn off viop and chat, to stay away from these idiots.

#10829 Xiphias


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 08:15 AM

View PostBud Crue, on 13 November 2017 - 04:00 AM, said:

First I pugged in scouting and got collect. The worthies on my team were running cicadas and a locust and when I asked if they were maybe a little light, they said they played to the objectives and called me a noob for not realizing that -despite the event mind you.

I actually scout in a Cicada as IS and I've solo killed the entire enemy team with it more than once. Admittedly, my results are not typical and "playing the objective" is dumb, but the combination of speed and range works really well against the mostly slow mediums that you run into. It can carry better than a slower mech because it's more versatile (kite slow mediums at range, chase down fast lights trying to smoke dive, etc.)

#10830 loopala


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Posted 21 November 2017 - 10:52 AM

OMG!! I forgot how much i love playing with my Wang!!

Yen Lo Wang that is.

stripped it down a bit. put a Sub Nosed PPC in the CT, along with the mandatory AC20 in the right arm. STD 220 engine for that whole left side expendable bit. not much at range but let me get under 200, with a 30 point pinpoint hit i am back to ripping components off of opponents with ease.drives lazor vomit nuts with the ability to present the left side and advanace in face of many many lazors. then turn and rip arms off lol. my favorite so far was a 2 hit locust. first the right leg then the left leg.

#10831 Trenchbird


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 12:48 AM

View Postloopala, on 21 November 2017 - 10:52 AM, said:

OMG!! I forgot how much i love playing with my Wang!!

Yen Lo Wang that is.

stripped it down a bit. put a Sub Nosed PPC in the CT, along with the mandatory AC20 in the right arm. STD 220 engine for that whole left side expendable bit. not much at range but let me get under 200, with a 30 point pinpoint hit i am back to ripping components off of opponents with ease.drives lazor vomit nuts with the ability to present the left side and advanace in face of many many lazors. then turn and rip arms off lol. my favorite so far was a 2 hit locust. first the right leg then the left leg.

Wrong thread, my dude. This is a whine thread.

By the way, I'd upgrade to an LFE or even XLFE and increase the engine rating as far as you can. As a suggestion. Being around 68-or-so kmph is barely okay for a heavy, let alone a 50-tonner. And honestly, as far as putting XLs in mediums goes, the YLW does it pretty well.

Case in point; My Bushwhacker runs that same build plus three flamers, and adding an LFE allows it to go faster than your build. Meanwhile, my YLW runs a 300XL and also carries an AC/20; Only sacrifice was a Snub, which is replaced by twin medium lasers. (Yes, yes. I know, 'full left side survivability'. But the YLW is capable of running over 100kmph with a 300XL. An AC/20 moving that fast is terrifying, if you know what you're doing. And the Cent is relatively XL safe due to still-okay hitboxes and a massive, dedicated shield arm.)

Not trying to tell you how to build your mechs, however. It's yours to build. I'm just saying, you could definitely do better with what you put in it. Still strongly, STRONGLY suggest putting at least a bigger LFE in it if you still want ST endurance.

Edited by Catten Hart, 22 November 2017 - 06:18 AM.

#10832 loopala


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Posted 22 November 2017 - 09:09 AM

ah but that is my whine "how i forgot how much i enjoy my wang"

oh the build could be better but this one works for me

#10833 Steel Raven


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Posted 23 November 2017 - 01:43 PM

Well after getting stomped bad last game, I can honestly say any Clan player whining about 'overpower IS machines' simple can't play. Just get any clan range build on any open map with a half decent team and you own the game. I should know, been getting killed by sniper firing line that are beyound of my max range. If you still loose, you ether have a crap team or have crap skills. Stop blaming the devs for not making it easier for you not to suck.

For all the games faults, Teamwork still makes or breaks your match. To bad I work crap hours and can't find a regular team to counter the FP sniper fest that makes this event 'too easy' for some.

#10834 Trenchbird


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Posted 24 November 2017 - 02:14 AM

Yep. Defense for IS involves hardcore brawlcamping near the gun or gates, which a lot of people view as 'an excuse' for rushing IS spawn.

No respect for the guys who camp the actual DZ, but the times I've been pushing for two waves, only to get cut down to DZ after a successful Clan counterpush on offense, is too damn high. Seriously first FP game I ever played, we made a semi-successful push and then proceeded to have our second wave reinforcements get blasted to death, and I spent my remaining two drops getting focus-fired by a full Company of Clanners with exactly no chance to defend myself as it was because we 'camped'. Somehow, even though I saw an active attempt for a second push that just got annihilated.

And that's why I am incredibly hesitant to play FP now. While I understand 'DZ camping is bad and deserves to be punished by spawnkilling', that argument never really addresses the times I've seen people get pushed to the DZ by Clanners more interested in farming than objective play. Or the times I've been ambushed by Clan lights as I spawned. There's being pragmatic, and then there's just being an ********.

Seriously, a while ago, I was playing a game back when New Terra Therma dropped; I spawned in my 'support' Mauler (At the time it had twingauss and quad LRM-5s), and immediately got shot in the back by a quad SRM-6 Jenner IIC. Who I proceeded to put down in a messy brawl that cost me a side torso. Needless to say, I berated the spineless coward by name in chat; That sort of behavior is unacceptable.

EDIT; Keep in mind that some of this is anecdotal. I've never actually dropped as a Clan FP player, only IS.

Edited by Catten Hart, 24 November 2017 - 02:19 AM.

#10835 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 07:43 PM

Well, I found the leader of all the potatos...in another game.

Posted Image

All hail the glorious Pope Tato. He who illuminates the growth of the starchy tubers, may his tuberosity be praised!

In an actual whine, though. I swear some potatos would do more damage by just ramming the enemy than actually firing their guns. Some of the truly bad aim that I've seen...-shudders-

Edited by Fox With A Shotgun, 26 November 2017 - 07:43 PM.

#10836 Jon Gotham


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 12:25 AM

View PostCathy, on 15 November 2017 - 08:01 AM, said:

So ...

I dropped last night for the first time in nearly a month.

Took less than three minutes for some irate Aussie calling his team useless, also other things for not being aggressive enough and apparently another player thought I was lucky and not in the supportive way, because I solo killed a scorch in the new Victor.

No not a crazy ballistic Ultra 20, M.R.M.10 three E.R.M.L's and a pair of LMG's

Nice to have such supportive team mates lol.

I totally understand why people turn off viop and chat, to stay away from these idiots.

Except in the majority of team solomatch games-the team aren't being aggressive enough^^
What I've seen in 99% of my losses in this game:
Team sits passively.
No one talks.
Waits for enemy to show up, fails to act.
Everyone sits waiting for guy next to them to move.
Team gets overrun and crushed in 2 mins flat.

Repeat ad infinitum.

Question or cal them on it= "I got killz and did loadz of damagez lololol"
Somehow missing the point that the kills/damage has to be done at the right time or place. Or fails to realise backig that team mate up might have won the game.
Same players have then bled into CW and ruined that for me.

#10837 Bulletsponge0


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 02:17 PM

View PostJon Gotham, on 27 November 2017 - 12:25 AM, said:

Except in the majority of team solomatch games-the team aren't being aggressive enough^^
What I've seen in 99% of my losses in this game:
Team sits passively.
No one talks.
Waits for enemy to show up, fails to act.
Everyone sits waiting for guy next to them to move.
Team gets overrun and crushed in 2 mins flat.

Repeat ad infinitum.

Question or cal them on it= "I got killz and did loadz of damagez lololol"
Somehow missing the point that the kills/damage has to be done at the right time or place. Or fails to realise backig that team mate up might have won the game.
Same players have then bled into CW and ruined that for me.

my god those thing aggravate me to no end

#10838 Damnedtroll


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 04:21 PM

I hate it when the maps are always at the opposite strength of my build... whatever mech i choose. Taken my Quickdraw with srm and medpulse and pow, Polar. Taken my gauss Marauder IIc and pow Mining, Taken my brawling Atlas, pow alpine.

Stop it holy cow !

#10839 Fox With A Shotgun


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 07:48 PM

View PostDamnedtroll, on 27 November 2017 - 04:21 PM, said:

I hate it when the maps are always at the opposite strength of my build... whatever mech i choose. Taken my Quickdraw with srm and medpulse and pow, Polar. Taken my gauss Marauder IIc and pow Mining, Taken my brawling Atlas, pow alpine.

Stop it holy cow !

RNGesus hates you bad, man.

You know what's worse?

Getting Polar Highlands on a SRM bomber Kit Fox (that doesn't have ECM!). And seeing that your score is still the highest on the team, somehow.

#10840 loopala


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 07:56 PM

got to love HOTH when your long range weapon is an AC20

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