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The Daily Whine

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#11581 Alienized


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 10:01 AM

View Postmad kat, on 23 May 2019 - 02:02 PM, said:

Do you ever get those nights when the match maker just goes ******* sod it! I can't be arsed. Then you spend five matches getting 3-12 stomped and fast.

fo sho mate :| sometimes it feels like you get quite ok'ish teams and then a streak of derping nosefoodsearchers

#11582 STBlitzkrieg


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 09:47 PM

Oh hey, look at that. I'm in an orange, threatening Kodiak that says "Frontline" on it. What's that? Gonna rotate to the right away from it so it gets isolated right away instead of forming a firing line as the Nastards come in one by one? Well GARSH MICKEY! Time to run my MRM Griffin and Nastard too!

*Insert disgruntled sighs here*


Belay my last. A light decided it wanted to prop itself under me as I'm poptarting so I stay up like a pinata. It was met with many belated screams of "LET ME DOWN OH LORD PLEASE!".

Edited by STBlitzkrieg, 24 May 2019 - 09:58 PM.

#11583 Phoenix 72


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Posted 24 May 2019 - 10:23 PM

View Postmad kat, on 23 May 2019 - 02:02 PM, said:

Do you ever get those nights when the match maker just goes ******* sod it! I can't be arsed. Then you spend five matches getting 3-12 stomped and fast.

Yup. Had a number of games like that today... And last weekend... I am currently at a 0.65 W/L ratio, with a 1.3 K/D and 345 average MS for this month. One of my losses just had an Assault that did 2 damage. Not a typo.

Okay, 2 of those losses were my own fault, for working on the missile event in a Cougar and ending up in Solaris City twice in a row, but The games seem really off recently... I took a 7 week break to recharge my MWO batteries, but the matches are not getting better...

#11584 Steel Raven


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Posted 25 May 2019 - 08:01 PM

View PostLTC Kilgore, on 12 May 2019 - 02:56 PM, said:

Polar highlands... biggest f'n map PGI has..

so why is it that teammates feel the need to run up behind me and shoot me in the back trying to shoot an enemy thats 1000m away behind cover??

is the playerbase really that bad at the game?

Seems to be common with that map anymore.

Once again, a teammate fires LRMs into my back. I ask my team to check their fire, another round into my back.

Only thing that pissed me off is that Team Damage probably still counts towards the damn event.

#11585 STBlitzkrieg


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Posted 26 May 2019 - 07:41 PM

I typically don't interact with players in game. It doesn't end well for anyone involved. I made the mistake of doing that today.

If you got to know me, you'd realize I have a pretty dry sense of humor. I deliver whimsical statements very matter of factly; to that end, they're usually entirely jokes. So the team's arguing about where to go on Crimson. Someone wants to push saddle when it's Skirmish, and the fight begins. I decide to be a funny guy.

"How about this guys: let's let the guy with the highest Jarlslist ranking decide where we're going!"

I received a delightful response to the effect of..."You should look me up on Jarlslist..."

I could feel the ego dripping from every disgusting syllable. But it didn't end there. I told the guy that bragging about his ranking was actually moronic and proves nothing, and furthermore, that nobody actually cares about it. He proceeded to go all savage on me about how I should fight him in Solaris and see how good he is or some crap like that. I couldn't hear him over the sound of Dakka too well, but I heard someone else call me a chicken when I didn't respond.

To the guy in the top 100: Sorry I bruised your ego, bud. However, I'd rather go have fun in another quick play match than waste my time dueling you to prove absolutely nothing. I never claimed I was that good anyways.
Last time I try to diffuse a stupid argument with a dumb suggestion, lemme tell ya.

Edited by STBlitzkrieg, 26 May 2019 - 07:51 PM.

#11586 Jon Gotham


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Posted 27 May 2019 - 06:44 AM

View PostSTBlitzkrieg, on 26 May 2019 - 07:41 PM, said:

I typically don't interact with players in game. It doesn't end well for anyone involved. I made the mistake of doing that today.

If you got to know me, you'd realize I have a pretty dry sense of humor. I deliver whimsical statements very matter of factly; to that end, they're usually entirely jokes. So the team's arguing about where to go on Crimson. Someone wants to push saddle when it's Skirmish, and the fight begins. I decide to be a funny guy.

"How about this guys: let's let the guy with the highest Jarlslist ranking decide where we're going!"

I received a delightful response to the effect of..."You should look me up on Jarlslist..."

I could feel the ego dripping from every disgusting syllable. But it didn't end there. I told the guy that bragging about his ranking was actually moronic and proves nothing, and furthermore, that nobody actually cares about it. He proceeded to go all savage on me about how I should fight him in Solaris and see how good he is or some crap like that. I couldn't hear him over the sound of Dakka too well, but I heard someone else call me a chicken when I didn't respond.

To the guy in the top 100: Sorry I bruised your ego, bud. However, I'd rather go have fun in another quick play match than waste my time dueling you to prove absolutely nothing. I never claimed I was that good anyways.
Last time I try to diffuse a stupid argument with a dumb suggestion, lemme tell ya.

Thing is, he may be good in a team but could come unstuck 1v1......

#11587 Steel Raven


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Posted 29 May 2019 - 09:16 PM

Witness a team kill today. Two player got into argument so one of them killed another teammate who had nothing to do with the argument... wow.

#11588 Jon Gotham


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Posted 04 June 2019 - 07:52 AM

Just a quick goodbye to all of you I have played with.
After the latest ngng podcast, where Russ admitted mwo is going into maintainence mode and PGI basically is going to survive if MW5 does well....

A bit bitter as I've probably spent $6k over past 7 years. The team players on my friends list were driven away by the constant drive to be solo friendly game..
MW5 will be ok, worth playing through once....but trust me playing co-op vs AI gets old REALLY fast if you have anything between your ears of any worth:)
there won't be much need for any clans/units in a 99% solo game, where will their be any community? MW4 had community which kept the game afloat-that community came from the multiplayer pvp section of the community though....MW5 doesn't have multiplayer only co-op vs bots...
I'm hopping beyond hope they can mwo and merge it into MW5 and give us a true MW game, single super solo and multiplayer community all under one roof.

Here's hoping?

#11589 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 08 June 2019 - 09:44 AM

View PostJon Gotham, on 04 June 2019 - 07:52 AM, said:


I'm hopping beyond hope they can mwo and merge it into MW5 and give us a true MW game, single super solo and multiplayer community all under one roof.

Here's hoping?

What you have just described would be ideal. I would pay money to see this.

I will probably do a MW5 play through at least twice. Coop play against bots can be fun, but I probably won't play it that often.

#11590 el piromaniaco


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Posted 17 June 2019 - 08:39 AM

When you walk to Epsilon on Canyon and someone says "Hey, everybody in C5, get out off there, the whole Team is coming to Espilon", so you walk not to Epsilon but to Theta, via C4

and suddenly the whole enemy team is in your face (because they didn't NASCAR to Epsi but took the inner canyon)

Team looses and the same guy with the "usefull tactical info" acuse you of suiciding at the start beacause "everyone knows the enemy always comes via Epsi, it's suicide to got there, are you Tier 17 or what?"

But then i think "well, it's a game" probably never will meet this guy RL, what do i care what stupid thoughts he's thinking.
But then i know that he is probably thinking the same, grrr.

#11591 Windscape


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Posted 27 July 2019 - 03:02 AM

hmm this thread hasn't seen an update in awhile

*insert MW5 epic exclusive*

#11592 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 27 July 2019 - 12:45 PM

View PostWindscape, on 27 July 2019 - 03:02 AM, said:

hmm this thread hasn't seen an update in awhile

*insert MW5 epic exclusive*

Yikes, just a little salt in the wound maybe?

#11593 mad kat


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Posted 27 July 2019 - 02:10 PM

The MW5 announcement seems to of killed off what appeared to be improving and leveling off of game quality.

Of well back to NASCAR, squirrel chasing, assault mech capping, rambo'ing and running off in different directions again.

I was bored so i created a unit called daily whine. Anyone salty enough to join me?

Edited by mad kat, 27 July 2019 - 02:55 PM.

#11594 loopala


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Posted 27 July 2019 - 09:38 PM

So just for kicks i have been out and about in a Highlander. 733c with an AC20 3SRM6 and a snubnose PPC for a back up. very black and white build. ether i am focused fired to death or i have ok back up and JJ dance into the red's backfield and kill a couple at knife fight range.
my whine i had forgot how much i used to love the Highlander and even though it is a mere shadow of it's former self it can still be a fun mech.

#11595 General Solo


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Posted 09 August 2019 - 09:42 PM

Forums so quite no whiney threads to feed, I mean read.....during coffee

Yikes only 19 people on the forums never seen it this low.

Waiting for Beta key sukes, hurry up PGI

#11596 Brenden


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Posted 25 August 2019 - 05:37 PM

Can I complain about MW5 being on the EGS?

#11597 Electroflameageddon


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Posted 25 August 2019 - 07:10 PM

View PostBrenden, on 25 August 2019 - 05:37 PM, said:

Can I complain about MW5 being on the EGS?

I don't see why not. It generated around 69 pages on its own thread.

#11598 loopala


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Posted 22 September 2019 - 05:47 PM

OMG i now remember why i hate FW, CW or whatever we are calling it this week. what a bunch of whiners!
"Atlas if you get me killed i will TK you!" cause he tried to get behind me and got stuck for a second...
"Stop throwing your mechs away! we need to setup a firing line and trade shots at range with clan mechs!" when i was trying to get our first wave to assault the platform and clear the 4 mechs and turrets off the platform while the rest of the clan mechs were spread out to trade shot at range. aggression is your friend
way too many timid players. me getting yelled at cause i grab a fast urbie and go head hunting after our 1st wave stalled at the gate and got slaughtered "Hey you should all ways go heaviest to lightest" ah no and besides my urbies identify as assaults. and the game was over once you whiners stopped assaulting and got slaughtered at range. nothing good comes from 1 to 12 on the first wave and then taking a defensive posture waiting for them to come out and get us.
everybody wants to play hide and peak
i could go on....

#11599 STBlitzkrieg


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Posted 27 September 2019 - 10:46 PM

I log onto the forums occasionally to keep up with the news. Being bed ridden from serious surgery, you start missing the things you used to be able to do. Walking, working, and playing, chiefly among them. I finally am able to get up and move around, so of course, I come here. The same as usual, people having silly little tussles, but for some reason, it just invigorates me to play.

Fine, I say. I'll give into the stompy robbit life just this once. Fire her up, Kodiak at the ready, let's quickplay.

Tourmaline please! Oh look, I actually got my vote. Let's see who the opposition is. Hm, looks like some people that browse and post on this forum are on the enemy team. I rub my hands together in excitement, realizing that I'm going to have a tough match on my hands. Exactly what I signed up for when I hit play.

No warm up, no aim testing, let's just dive in. Domination, push the circle. Team's getting caught out in no man's land. We lost 2 right away. I'm hammering people down the mid, but it's no good. I have to follow the fleeing nascar to Death Valley or die as well. Team goes up the left side ramp one by one, so I cut to the right for a flank. Hammer some peeps good, deliver tons of damage, twist well, kill some people. One of the last to go down, took another one with me, good damage, smiling. And then the scoreboard sets in and I get sad and realize why I haven't been coming back. If a casual like me can pull down good damage and have a profound effect on the game, why can't the rest?

I think what alarms me the most is how fast the team bailed and left others to die in the circle. Something about it just bothers me on a very deep level. And then the last mech that came in after me graced me with a wonderful performance and a very puzzling loadout that just left me laughing. Notice where he's aiming first, then take a look at his loadout second. It's worth a good giggle...


For reference, taking a close look at the capture timers:


There's always room to improve, but why bother at this point? I'm happy with it all. What I'm not happy with is a lot of the things I see and hear each game, and this once a month experience reminded me of it all.

I don't mind losing as long as I perform decently, and I'd say it was a pretty okayish match. But I'm very bored. Can't decide if it's burn out and time to play something else, or if the magic spark's just gone. Or is it other people? Perhaps a combination of all of the above? I just know I like the sound of Dakka and my warhorn. Maybe I'll play some more this month, maybe I'll come back next month. Maybe I won't at all. But I'm still searching for that elusive "why" in all of it, I suppose, is my whine.

#11600 mad kat


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Posted 15 November 2019 - 04:13 PM

So i was just in a S7 match my atlas rs vs the loyalty one. Fight goes well i remove his right side and core him so he was one shot had him dead too rights.

BUT he gets one of my legs. I then die despite having armour on all torso locations (never took any hits to the rear armour) and still the other leg. Std engine but the rag doll showed no internal structure at all.

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