I log onto the forums occasionally to keep up with the news. Being bed ridden from serious surgery, you start missing the things you used to be able to do. Walking, working, and playing, chiefly among them. I finally am able to get up and move around, so of course, I come here. The same as usual, people having silly little tussles, but for some reason, it just invigorates me to play.
Fine, I say. I'll give into the stompy robbit life just this once. Fire her up, Kodiak at the ready, let's quickplay.
Tourmaline please! Oh look, I actually got my vote. Let's see who the opposition is. Hm, looks like some people that browse and post on this forum are on the enemy team. I rub my hands together in excitement, realizing that I'm going to have a tough match on my hands. Exactly what I signed up for when I hit play.
No warm up, no aim testing, let's just dive in. Domination, push the circle. Team's getting caught out in no man's land. We lost 2 right away. I'm hammering people down the mid, but it's no good. I have to follow the fleeing nascar to Death Valley or die as well. Team goes up the left side ramp one by one, so I cut to the right for a flank. Hammer some peeps good, deliver tons of damage, twist well, kill some people. One of the last to go down, took another one with me, good damage, smiling. And then the scoreboard sets in and I get sad and realize why I haven't been coming back. If a casual like me can pull down good damage and have a profound effect on the game, why can't the rest?
I think what alarms me the most is how fast the team bailed and left others to die in the circle. Something about it just bothers me on a very deep level. And then the last mech that came in after me graced me with a wonderful performance and a very puzzling loadout that just left me laughing. Notice where he's aiming first, then take a look at his loadout second. It's worth a good giggle...
For reference, taking a close look at the capture timers:
There's always room to improve, but why bother at this point? I'm happy with it all. What I'm not happy with is a lot of the things I see and hear each game, and this once a month experience reminded me of it all.
I don't mind losing as long as I perform decently, and I'd say it was a pretty okayish match. But I'm very bored. Can't decide if it's burn out and time to play something else, or if the magic spark's just gone. Or is it other people? Perhaps a combination of all of the above? I just know I like the sound of Dakka and my warhorn. Maybe I'll play some more this month, maybe I'll come back next month. Maybe I won't at all. But I'm still searching for that elusive "why" in all of it, I suppose, is my whine.