DI3T3R, on 14 March 2014 - 03:58 AM, said:
It's simple:
With UI 2.0 you can no longer see where the hardpoints are on the Mech you are about to buy. (Who could possibly be interested in such an info???)
But: Knowing which body-part has which hardpoints is THE CENTRAL CONCEPT of PGI's take on Omnimechs.
So, what will it be?
Will PGI listen to user-input and finally bring back a useful feature they dumped when inventing the "new and better" UI 2.0?
Or will they continue to expect us to take their incompetence for granted and use smurfy and sarna to look up and plan stuff THEY cannot get properly done in THEIR OWN game?
So you assume, despite information to the contrary being clearly and repeatedly communicated on these forums from the Devs tehmselves, that all game development and work on UI 2.0 has completely stopped as of now and absolutely zero features, fixes, or similar will be implemented from now until June 17th? That the only thing that PGI is going to do from now on is sit on their asses ans watch the cash flow in, even though they have a license for the next 6 years that would be completely wasted if they attempted to do so because the game would crash and burn within 1 or 2 years tops?
Alter, bei allem Respekt, wohnst du vielleicht ein Bisschen zu nah an der Holländischen Grenze?
Edited by Zerberus, 14 March 2014 - 06:38 PM.