Ultimatum X, on 11 April 2014 - 01:37 PM, said:
This means you are always extremely likely to hit with some part of the attack.
From my own data, the duration of the attack appears to be not as much of a factor as my ACC with pulse lasers is actually very close to my ACC with Lasers - even though the duration of the beam is 40% shorter.
From Wiki:
Hitscan is a very simple calculation that basically ignores flight time, projectile drop, etc. A very fast projectile, though, with little drop, such as the AC2 or PPC, are not hitscan, but darn near. Even at maximum range, an AC2 is VERY easy to hit with.
Duration of the beam doesn't matter much for laser accuracy, because if you are anywhere near the target when you fire, it is very easy to adjust and get at least a single tick of damage. That is why your pulse and standard lasers accuracy is very similar - you are either close when you pull the trigger, or fired into a pile of snow to draw a smilie face...
Ballistics, if made burst-fire, will either have much worse accuracy (if each projectile is considered a "hit" or "miss") or much higher accuracy (if each full burst is considered a single "hit" or "miss" like lasers are).
Ultimatum X, on 11 April 2014 - 01:37 PM, said:
Suddenly they are weapons that become a pulse weapon, just like pulse lasers - but without hitscan benefits.
The only manually aimed, projectile based spread damage weapons we have are: SRMS & LB 10X.
Neither of those are in a great place imo.
EDIT: I forgot machine guns!
Both of those spread by area, though, which is quite a bit different than duration spread. SRMs are also very close range and have serious hit registration issues.
For instance, if you shoot a "single" shot of LBX, you are actually shooting 10 individual pellets, similar to how missiles are individual once launched. If you are at long range, you are much more likely to get a hit, but the damage potential (efficient damage) of that "hit" is significantly worse than the same "hit" at close range.
(NOTE: I actually think the LBX is in a good spot. When used correctly, they are devastating on internals, and when used like I do, they are great at suppression and "assist farming".)
Ultimatum X, on 11 April 2014 - 01:37 PM, said:
I don't see that included in any proposals, outside of you recognizing it.
I think my use of them projectile is appropriate.

I can't guarantee anything. I doubt PGI has even considered a system like I am proposing, since it involves more than two lines of code change...
All I can say is that flight times can be tweaked to balance, just like damage and many other factors. Even switch ACs to burst-fire is a very simple change, and StJobe even detailed how easy it would be a few weeks ago (I really need to write down the link to that post... so hard to find anything on this forum).
Ultimatum X, on 11 April 2014 - 01:37 PM, said:
Not a problem, take your time!