Koniving, on 26 March 2014 - 10:19 AM, said:
Okay. Collected knowledge.
- According to Paul's display about ELO matchmaking in the launch module post, there are 3 ELO tiers. "1", "2", and "3."

- These tiers have a somewhat wide range.
- From the original explanation ELO tallies premade groups to an average and then takes that average as that of a single score combined with the rest of the group to make a complete team average.
- When possible the game will always try to have at least one premade on either side. The number of players in each group do not have to match and sometimes there may be two smaller premades pit against a larger one.
- Alpha lance is reserved for a premade group whenever possible. If a rival premade cannot be found, ELO appears to draw from higher scoring players to make up the difference. (When in a match simply ask "Do we have a premade?" Almost every single time you get an answer it will come an Alpha lance team member).
- If there is a second premade on a team and alpha lance has 3 or more members, they are set in bravo lance.
- With just one or no premades, lances are filled with ELO-scored players in order of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie.
- Actual arrangement within the lance is not indicative to actual player score, however, and players are rearranged within the lance based on their Match Score.
- An independent ELO rank is kept for each chassis-class. Light, medium, heavy, assault.
Beyond this is speculation based on experience.
- I suspect match score is what really ties into ELO.
- Statements say that win/loss is exclusively what ties in.
- However, match score did not exist before the officially mentioned 'pre-seeding' time of ELO. Also to base a player's performance exclusively by win and loss is not only illogical as victory and defeat depends entirely on the team effort but a failure to ascertain and measure the player's ability.
- You can enter higher and lower ELO tiers than your own by boosting or tanking your scores; you do this by joining a premade of either older (experienced) or newer (inexperienced) players.
- The Bell Curve model released before Paul's more recent one had new players pooling in at exactly center between 1,000 and 1,500 (tier 2).
- Later when the bell curve was shown again, new players were shifted to about the value of 1,100. That is now borderline tier 1/tier 2 and just in the range to get matches above and below the tier line.
maybe thats why i only get into brackets with the NGNG only when im in my mediums or lights and never any time with my heavies or assaults. its frustrating at times tho D: im terrible with my mediums and even worse with my lights.
I always wondered why i never get them in my heavies.