Player named nubnub was listed on my friends tab I make it a point to friend NO ONE, EVER on a personal account so how is it he showed up on my friend list!!!

Friend Was On My Profile Tab And I Have Accepted No Friends!
Started by MadIrish, Apr 02 2014 05:06 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 02 April 2014 - 05:06 PM
Posted 02 April 2014 - 05:19 PM
On the forums or in game?
Because if on the forum, you don't need to accept people for them to appear as friends. I could add you [for example of course], it won't ask you anything, I would just instantly appear in your fiend tab on your forum profle. Not sure if anything can be done about it since you don't like it though.
Because if on the forum, you don't need to accept people for them to appear as friends. I could add you [for example of course], it won't ask you anything, I would just instantly appear in your fiend tab on your forum profle. Not sure if anything can be done about it since you don't like it though.
Posted 02 April 2014 - 06:06 PM
I believe there is a profile setting that will let you accept friends on the forums, otherwise the default is "Auto accept". Look under your Profile, and you should see an option for "Profile settings" or something...
Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:03 PM
On this website, click Profile, then click View Forum Profile. Then click Edit My Profile, and the third section down has a check-box that says Allow me to approve members before they're added as a friend. Check that box and then click Save Changes down at the bottom. That only affects the forums though.
If you're talking about the in-game Friends list, it is easy to click Accept instead of Decline or whatever the negative option is. Maybe you did that.
If your real name's not MadIrish, then this isn't really a "personal account." So there's nothing to worry about if you add friends -- it's not like they can get any info from being your friend that they couldn't get just by looking at your profile.
If you're talking about the in-game Friends list, it is easy to click Accept instead of Decline or whatever the negative option is. Maybe you did that.
If your real name's not MadIrish, then this isn't really a "personal account." So there's nothing to worry about if you add friends -- it's not like they can get any info from being your friend that they couldn't get just by looking at your profile.
Posted 03 April 2014 - 01:35 AM
nubnub befriended every user back in 2012.
There was no hack involved.
There was no hack involved.
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