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Clan Mech Release

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#1 Red Scorpion01


  • FP Veteran - Beta 1
  • FP Veteran - Beta 1
  • 6 posts
  • LocationGeorgia

Posted 27 March 2014 - 07:41 PM

Hey every one....I can understand the desire to keep the game balanced and fair....especially for new players. But as we all know...Clan mechs were by design a bit better than most if not all IS mechs...But, what if, instead of dropping Clan mechs (if that does or is the line of thinking for fairness) on the same side as IS mechs...have a choice, kind of like now how you can choose assault or skirmish or capture the points, you just include a choice for an IS VS Clan match as well....Or, instead of a lance unit of Clan mechs having 12...maybe drop that to 8 or 9, to preserve the fairness....and allow the IS mechs to equip Clan tech if that person has blown off a component...kind of like the salvage reward for completing the mission in the earlier games most of us played...I fell that allowing salvage, if you will, would make the whole Clan vs IS scenarios that much more exciting.....Just some thoughts.....I have read that some players would just stop playing if the Clan mechs are...reduced in stats and such just to fit in with the IS ones now....and that would be too bad.

I have pre purchased some Clan mechs,and am looking foreward to using them....I hope there can be an arrangement made ( as much as possible) to protect the lore of the game...and give people the experience of the Clan VS IS scenarios....Maybe there can be some maps introduced that would be a total base assault by Clan or IS with the other having the sole purpose of defending.....In the previous games...half the fun of getting your butt stomped was for the ability to salvage Clan tech...and I believe that side can be implemented into the game and allow for fun and challenging matches....

Thanks for reading this....Red

Edited by Red Scorpion01, 27 March 2014 - 07:43 PM.

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