Good Morning,
i am actually on 2 projekts for MWO.
First is a touchbuddy profile with using 2 computers, Touchbuddy can send keystrokes via LAN, installed on both computer, one as server where MWO is running, and a second with an attached touchscreen, This projekt is on final.
The second thing is, that i want a hardware solution, a small controller to switch heatvision / nightvision, Override shutdown and like that.
Therefore i found this usb controller:
About 50 EUR inclusive delivery to EU.
The point is, that mechwarrior doesnt recognize this controller, my workaround is using xpadder. With xpadder every dx button can be programmed to a keystroke, and the MWO will behave as it should.
My buttons came from Conrad Electronics, EUR 31
For my first prototype i chose
1x toggle switch (on)/off/(on) 6 port (heatvision / nightvision)
2x toggle switch (on)/off/(on) 3 port (ecm / weapon door - normally (on)/off would be ok, but not in the sortiment of conrad)
1x toggle switch on/off 6 port (tag laser)
and 5 push buttons (2x bigger ones for override and coolant flush, 3x smaller for airstrike, artillery and UAV)
additionally 3 leds, green, yellow and red, to show the state of visions and tag.
I need help at the point of choosing a relais for the vision toggle switch.
The game reacts only on a keystroke, so i tought i use the 2nd lane of the 6 port toggle to switch a relais on and off, wich closes or opens +5v for the diodes.
What do i want, if that toggle is pushed upwards the game gets the keystroke for heatvision, its a momentary toggle. Over the 2nd lane the relais gets the input of turning that led on. pushing again turns off heatvision and the led. That would be easy,
but when pushed down while formerly pushed up, the led for heatvision should turn off, and the led for nightvision should be switched on.
So i am searching for the right relais, any suggestions? or maybe a solution with the usage of more than one normal relais?
Relais plan:
My Case for that controller comes by amazon.
So costs are all about
~ 89 EUR.
Thank you for any suggestion about my relais question.

Selfmade Hardware Controller - Help Needed
Started by Slechtvalk, Mar 28 2014 01:37 AM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 28 March 2014 - 01:37 AM
Posted 28 March 2014 - 06:22 AM
You may be able to skip the relays all together if you change your DPDT switches from momentary to toggle.
You mentioned that you already use xpadder, so you use xpadder to configure the toggled inputs to act like a momentary input. This would send a press and release keystroke on flipping the toggle up, and then a second press and release when you return the toggle to center. On the second pole on the toggle up you can wire the LED.
If you are set on the momentary toggles, I think you could get away with just about any relay capable of switching at 5v. You are not trying to switch a heavy load.
I hope I understood what you are trying to do...
You mentioned that you already use xpadder, so you use xpadder to configure the toggled inputs to act like a momentary input. This would send a press and release keystroke on flipping the toggle up, and then a second press and release when you return the toggle to center. On the second pole on the toggle up you can wire the LED.
If you are set on the momentary toggles, I think you could get away with just about any relay capable of switching at 5v. You are not trying to switch a heavy load.
I hope I understood what you are trying to do...
Posted 28 March 2014 - 09:31 AM
You're solution sounds more expensive and difficult to implement and more limited in use than just hacking a TARGET capable board (Thrustmaster T16000m often found for $25) and handling any switch states you desire via that software. TARGET makes it very easy to turn momentary switches into toggles and many other complex behaviors not easy to achieve through other emulators/drivers/3rd party software.
Bodnar boards are fine and dandy, but they are expensive, and in one regard on overkill for MWO (more inputs than the game has functions, especially for your small utilization), while on the other hand comes up short (lacks software for complex behavior from simple devices).
You're buttons seem a good choice, but MWO is the game for me that really cemented the importance of capable sofware like TARGET home for me. I have had fully functioning controls largely immune to the many controls upsets that happened along the way that uprooted everyone elses controls. Most importantly, TM's software is better at compensating for deficient controls support in games than any other single option I am aware of, and that alone makes it worth its weight in gold. This also allows it to have much greater flexibility to change your plans or repurpose components.
I now have well over 6000 matches on my HOTAS, but almost none of this would have been possible without TARGET since for starters, absolute mouse emulation if the only way to use absolute inputs in MWO, and over the last 2 years have seen a lot of folk spend a lot of time spinning their wheels, and considered themselves lucky if they eventually establish partial function... especially not long ago when support was even more abysmal than it is today.
My controls use the following features of TARGET:
dual sensitivity (reticule aim) that can be changed on-the-fly
automatic dynamic aim sensitivity scaling when going into/out of advanced zoom
momentary turned toggle
shift layer for all primary buttons
digital throttle (backup for when they bork analog throttle, throttle lever generates numpad/x/w commands)
PWM turning (vestigial remnant -from before analog turning was in-game)
digital trim on x and y axis (China hat is basically a ministick)
Also, I use 100% stock mapping of everything other than binding analog throttle and turning, and handle it all via TARGET. This means I can use my hardware on other computers/MWO installations with the greatest of ease and there's little to remap if I reinstall or let friends play on other accounts etc.
Bodnar boards are fine and dandy, but they are expensive, and in one regard on overkill for MWO (more inputs than the game has functions, especially for your small utilization), while on the other hand comes up short (lacks software for complex behavior from simple devices).
You're buttons seem a good choice, but MWO is the game for me that really cemented the importance of capable sofware like TARGET home for me. I have had fully functioning controls largely immune to the many controls upsets that happened along the way that uprooted everyone elses controls. Most importantly, TM's software is better at compensating for deficient controls support in games than any other single option I am aware of, and that alone makes it worth its weight in gold. This also allows it to have much greater flexibility to change your plans or repurpose components.
I now have well over 6000 matches on my HOTAS, but almost none of this would have been possible without TARGET since for starters, absolute mouse emulation if the only way to use absolute inputs in MWO, and over the last 2 years have seen a lot of folk spend a lot of time spinning their wheels, and considered themselves lucky if they eventually establish partial function... especially not long ago when support was even more abysmal than it is today.
My controls use the following features of TARGET:
dual sensitivity (reticule aim) that can be changed on-the-fly
automatic dynamic aim sensitivity scaling when going into/out of advanced zoom
momentary turned toggle
shift layer for all primary buttons
digital throttle (backup for when they bork analog throttle, throttle lever generates numpad/x/w commands)
PWM turning (vestigial remnant -from before analog turning was in-game)
digital trim on x and y axis (China hat is basically a ministick)
Also, I use 100% stock mapping of everything other than binding analog throttle and turning, and handle it all via TARGET. This means I can use my hardware on other computers/MWO installations with the greatest of ease and there's little to remap if I reinstall or let friends play on other accounts etc.
Posted 10 April 2014 - 10:43 AM
You'll all be happy to hear that there IS a 12 bit alternative to Leo's boards (I've tried contacting Leo about his board, and never heard back from him, months later)
Check this out:
Check this out:
Posted 10 April 2014 - 11:33 AM
My goto alternate board is NJoy32 Pro. I've heard nothing but good things about in terms of hardware, software, and even firmware.
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