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My Two Reccommendations

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#1 Tarfu503


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 06:53 AM

First on joining a match one could select "Commander" in the dialog box rather than assault, skirmish et al. On start up of the match a commander would have the battlemap instead of the cockpit view. He then would see where all units are and the enemy units that they have sighted . If he wishes he could spectate from any of the friendly mechs. He then could direct mechs to defend certain areas and attack in others. Again players could choose to obey or not as in the game right now. An option of representing the commander in a "mobile command vehicle" could be done .
Second recommendation is what I call "Replay mode". Where after the match the battlemap comes up and players could opt to watch how the battle unfolded. The replay could be sped up by x2 or x3. Chat would be open so that players could comment on what happen, what went right and what went wrong.
I play chess and almost always after a game the players go over it and comment on what they thought they did right or what they could have done better. The weaker players benefit by getting insights on what stronger players are thinking about during a game. It also adds to the immersion factor in that they replace their old thinking and start thinking better.

Hopefully this will help players with the learning curve and reduce the whining we see so much of.

#2 Morang


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 12:30 PM

View PostWarDoggie, on 30 March 2014 - 06:53 AM, said:

First on joining a match one could select "Commander" in the dialog box rather than assault, skirmish et al. On start up of the match a commander would have the battlemap instead of the cockpit view. He then would see where all units are and the enemy units that they have sighted . If he wishes he could spectate from any of the friendly mechs. He then could direct mechs to defend certain areas and attack in others. Again players could choose to obey or not as in the game right now. An option of representing the commander in a "mobile command vehicle" could be done.

I suggested that option a long ago, back in Closed Beta (and a couple of times since that). I suggested it as functionality of the Command Console - a 3-ton piece of equipment mounted on Atlas D-DC by default. In the original Battletech Command Console functions right in that way: allows a second crewman, tactical commander, to ride the mech and execute C3. So I suggested that a Command Console should allow 13th player to join the match, spectate friendlies and command (until the mech he rides is killed). It will be especially valuable for 12-man premades.

But PGI says no, so Command Console remains a stub.

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