wanderer, on 17 November 2014 - 04:07 PM, said:
And let's think about this.
The original Urbanmech quirked to have ballistic cooldown improvements, naturally. We're talking Dragon-1N rates of fire for it's AC/10 instead. Maybe a bit of love for it's death ray small laser. That's the -60.
It won't have fast legs. It'll have fast GUNS.
And the AC/20 version, same deal, only for it's bigger gun. That's the 60L.
The LB-10X/SPL quirk one would be the -63, naturally.
I've actually been pondering what quirks the Urbanmech would get, as well as the Variants we'd recieve. So far, here's what I can think of:
1. MASSIVE quirks for armor and structure (at least for a light mech) quite possibly making it as durable as a 35-40 ton mech in a 30 ton frame . . . that is IF you max the standard defensive stats. This makes up for the definitively low maximum engine it'll have. It could also have JJ quirks helping it get more lift or burn-time than other mechs in the same weight class; and possibly giving the mech significant hopping maneuverability for the Jump Jets it carries.
2. Obviously all available variants in this time frame will have some sort of ballistic quirk. I have to agree with wanderer that these will be hefty buffs, no matter the base weapon used. Theoretically, they could give us a variant of the R70 with an Ultra/5 instead of a Rotary/5. Either way all of these little monsters are going to be carrying vicious Ballistics.
3. Depending on the other variants, we could see some actual decent energy quirks out there. The R63 actually has the Small Laser and a Small Pulse Laser. OR we could get a mildly modified R80 (we don't have snub-nosed PPC's in game . . . yet), which would give us an ALL ENERGY URBIE with ECM.
4. Although not necessarily a quirk, the Urbanmech could actually end up being the mech with the SMALLEST profile of any mech in the game . . . along with high-placement arm-mounted weapons and high-seated cockpit for visibility, this would give the Urbanmech some nasty advantages . . . it could easily be built shorter than a Locust but stockier and broader than it's light brethren.
5. Also not necessarily a quirk, it could be a mech that is actually given 360 degree torso movement via over 180 degree torso twist in either direction after masteries are unlocked. Couple this with extremely quick torso movement capabilities and you have something akin to an ultra-tiny sharpshooting trashcan.
Of course, all the quirking is going to depend on variants . . . ahh, variants:
R60 - 3025 stock . . . definitely going to have it.
R60L - 3025 available . . . certainly possible, but quirking it and still keeping it effective for an AC/20 would be absurdly difficult, unless they just give it a boatload of hardpoints and just give generic ballistic/energy range (with energy cooldown), making it a prime MG & SL boat.
R63 - 3050 available . . . solid possibility with extra energy hardpoints.
R63 "MG Version" - 3050 Available . . . just with an MG for extra ballistics in the torso instead of energy.
R68 - No-go . . . no MRMs in game (with none slated for a while)
R69 - No-go . . . need to introduce the IS versions of all the fancy Clan Weapons (Ultra/10 and ER-SL), which they said is not going to happen anytime soon. It's not really modifiable . . . otherwise you're just making an R60 with more ammo or something.
R70 - Possible with modifications . . . dump the ER Lasers for Standards and use an Ultra/5 instead of a Rotary/5 and you're set . . . it'd make a nice PGI MWO specific variant. Give it enough cooldown quirks for the Ultra/5 and it'd certainly feel like a Rotary/5 being fired. You could maybe even give it a quirk to remove the chance of jamming with an Ultra/5 . . . always guaranteeing a double-tap. Dakka-Wolves would be nothing compared to what this beast could generate!
R80 - Very Doable with modifications . . . dump the Improved Jump Jets for extra regulars and save a ton from the removed improved Jump Jets to turn the Snub-PPC into a regular PPC . . . OR just introduce the Snub-PPC to MWO (not a far stretch of tech limits . . . a 1 ton lighter PPC with no minimum range and a very prolonged damage dropoff out to 900m maximum range). It also actually comes with TAG, BAP, and ECM. Again, a nice "PGI" variant that they could introduce via modifications if they don't introduce the new technology.
. . . Personally, I wouldn't complain about seeing the Snub-PPC introduce early into MWO courtesy of the Urbanmech.
Anyway, it's just theorycrafting, but I wasn't far off on the Enforcer theory that I had, where I did propose the concept of making up their own variant as a more likely scenario.