Tarogato, on 26 January 2015 - 09:11 PM, said:
Shadowhawk = Phoenix mech = Phoenix hawk.
I've mixed it up before, too.
ah kk
Dawnstealer, on 27 January 2015 - 06:31 AM, said:
So they're basically patent trolls? There HAS to be a way to liberate the Marauder, Archer, Longbow, Stinger, etc, etc, etc from them.
Tank, on 27 January 2015 - 06:44 AM, said:
I think they presented new Macross comics not a long time ago...
But then again G.I. Joe vs Transformers classic comic where mentioned in the next sentence and I forgot about most of the stuff that where spoken before it.
Bront, on 27 January 2015 - 08:56 AM, said:
Not happening for legal reasons. AKA Harmony Gold will make it more expensive than it's worth, if it even happens, and possibly get MWO shut down. Not worth the risk.
Cimarb, on 27 January 2015 - 09:22 AM, said:
There are very possible means around that, though.
For example, the Warhammer cannot exist in MWO, for the reasons you state. That means it was never created, hence the Hammerhands was never replaced (
http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Hammerhands). It can fulfill the exact same place in our hearts, yet avoid all legal issues around naming and artwork.
Bront, on 27 January 2015 - 10:18 AM, said:
True, though the art there leans close to the Warhammer.
There isn't really anything like the Marauder though.
Personally, I want a Phoenix Hawk. Call it a Faux Hawk, change the look a bit, and give it the same build/hardpoints, and I'd be happy.
Dawnstealer, on 27 January 2015 - 10:33 AM, said:
Even the Stinger and Wasp were fun, but utterly untouchable. Even if HG bent on some of the others, no way they could bend on the Stinger, Wasp, or Phoenix Hawk.
Cimarb, on 27 January 2015 - 11:58 AM, said:
I wish, but not true. Not only can they sue that it is similar to their design, but it does not even matter if they win. The case could be thrown out by the court, and HaG would still technically win because they could keep it "alive" through appeals and bury PGI in legal fees very quickly. As long as it was in appeals, PGI would also not be able to release/sell the mechs in question, which would mean they would not be getting any funds for the trouble.
This has been debated ad nauseum, and short of HaG going belly up, down to the last person, those mechs will not happen in MWO.
well on the unseen we have in mwo shadow hawk griffen locust ect they dident come from macross they all come from dougram the fang of the sun witch was never used in robotech so cyatalist games was able to make a new contract with the owners of that series now the art from robotech/ macross is another story because of several things
1 the contract hg had with one of the company's that produced macross even though this contract has been stuck down in Japanese courts
2 the fact the the unseen art fasa used they licensed from a company that had no leaguel right to that art and by the time fasa found out the company had closed down and fasa never was able to prove they made that contract under false pretenses as fasa believed they had gotten use of that art all leagel and proper
3 macross it self has a long tangled leaguel history in japan and in other countrys
4 hg has trade marked the name macross in every western country they could get to accept there copy right clam and the only country's so far as i know that throw it out where japan china korea and a few other asian country in an attempt to bolster there leagel position
5 this one is more some thing that tends to be forgotten witch is that beating or buying hg would only be the 1st step you would then need to go to the leaguel owners of macross and make a new contract with them
now that the bad news is out of the way there i one piece of good news
witch is that hg did lose one case involving macross in the us there was one macross ova that made it state side called
macross plus it was sold on vhs and dvd in the early 2000s when hg found out they tryed to make a big mean face that they had all leaguel clam to macross in the us and that the only reason that it got released state side was that some one was asleep at the wheel so the company that had released macross plus took hg to court there name is manga entertainment if you dont know pretty much every anime you have ever seen has been licensed through manga entertainment and manga entertainment was able to prove that hg had no clam to the macross plus ova