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Please Fix Matchmaking

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#1 Rache Bartmoss


  • 3 posts

Posted 02 April 2014 - 10:50 AM

It happens, at times, that one side is 2+ players down while the other team is all full. Of course I guess it could be 3 premade lances there, but ignoring that possibility:

- Please change the matchmaking to fill up both sides in turn. It definitely doesn't, right now
- Please remove people who disconnect in the lobby from the game and let someone new join. You can still keep their mech busy as penalty for disconnecting, that's fine, and you presumably shouldn't let them re-join the same match with a different mech.
- If one side is more than a mech down, extend the countdown at least SOMEWHAT. I realize you gotta start the game at some point, but still.

Just came from a match where one side started 3 down and had one extra disconnect while mechs were starting up... Not fun since avoidable.


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