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Idea For Playerstats Based On The Contribution To The Teams Success

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#1 MilesTeg1982


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Posted 02 April 2014 - 01:23 PM


As of now the stats contain some usefull information about the player - like hit ratio with certain weapons. However they do also contain some pretty useless information like the kill/death ratio or win/losses.

The reason why I say these stats are useless is because the player sometimes - espeacially in a pug - does not have influence on that - there are just situations in the game in which even a really good player can not chance the outcome of a match or gets just shot down by an overwhelming force.


My Idea is to add another ratio which takes the contribution of the player to the outcome of the match and the players skill into account. It rewards damage the players has done to the enemie team - even if it was not a kill - and punishes damage the player has done to his own team. It also takes into account which part of the enemie/friendly mech was hit. The basic idea is that each player gets or losses points for certain actions espeacially if those actions have a direct influence on the outcome (like taking out enemie mechs fast or providing missle locks).

1. Damage done to an enemie mech

1.1 for all damage done to an enemie mech - except DCs - the player gets as much points as damage he had done

1.2 if an enemie mech was destroyed bonus points will be rewarded to
- the players who hit the component which leds to the destruction of the mech - for example center torso, or both legs (if that lead to the destruction of the mech) - the total number of bonus points equals the total hp * 2 of the mech minus hp * 2 of allready destroyed components. Therefore if a mech is killed very fast by very accurat shots - it will reward more bonus points to the players. The bonus points for each mech are distributed to to all players who did damage the vital component with respect to the amount of damage each player did.

1.3 destruction of components - same as 1.2 but with lesser points:
- 60% if the destroyed component contains the main weapons (the most powerful weapon, for example: if the mech has PPCs + Medium Lasers, the PPCs would be considered the main weapons)
- 40% if the destroyed component contains any weapons
- 20% if the destroyed component contains only heatsings/ammo
- 0% if the component contains only armor

1.4. for all damage done by LRMs the player who provided the missle lock will get the same points for the damage as the player who shot the missles unless:
- the player who shot the LRMs did have his own missle lock (direct sight)
- another player provided allready the missle lock (in which case this player will get the extra points)

1.5 UAVs - same as 1.3 for the player who started the UAV

1.6 If a player damage a mech of the enemie team which provides missle locks (for example with TAG or just by observing) - this will be rewarded with extra points.

2. Damage done to a friendly mech

same principle as for damage done to enemie mechs (see 1.) with 2 differences:
- the player will lose points instead of gaining points
- the points lost will count 5 times compared the the points gained by doing damage to the enemie team

3. Movement

- If a player crashes into a friendly mech by moving forward he will lose some points (lets say -10)
- If a player blocks a friendly mech (who is moving backwards) the player will loas as much points as the friendly mech in front recieves damage in the next 5 seconds. If the player blocks the friendly mech again within the 5 seconds the time will be extended. The only exception from this rule are players who are also blocked (by other friendly players).

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