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A Fresh Perspective... Premades & Mw:o.


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#421 Galenit


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:09 AM

Nothing fresh here, just go back in time and change some words ...

We want solo queues!
No, you are the minority, we need you to fill the ranks of premades, we dont want to split player base,
go on coms and make some friends!

Maybe its the price you all have to pay, because some defended their pugstomps at that time to much?

Lets say some thing i heared a lot in that time:
Go on coms, get some friends and fill your ranks.

If i should go and find 7 strangers to play against a 8 man,
why cant you go and find two other 4 mans and play against 12 mans?

Did anyone in this topic searched the forum for soloqueue?
You should do this and read the posts from around 1 year ago.
Its really funny ...

In this time i posted something about a queue for all but with handicaps for premades based on groupsizes to balance it better out and that i would prefer it over a soloqueue ...

About numbers from pgi:
From what samples are their numbers?
What time periode, number of matches and times?
Without this information they are worthless!

Edited by Galenit, 06 April 2014 - 04:19 AM.

#422 Nightfire


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 06:48 AM

View PostCraig Steele, on 06 April 2014 - 02:52 AM, said:

'rambled' absolutly [sic] no foundation diatribe
I have no intention of taking you seriously.

Neither should anyone else.

unreasoned unsubstantiated

You have nothing to add
Scream to high heaven
your personal victimisation theory

you can all cry in the corner and consol [sic]

Really? Just take a look back on the key words of your rebuttal here. Emotive language to the last. Not one point of mine addressed and every point raised an attack on my character. Yet you wonder why you struggle to make a valid point here? When you are in danger of losing, change from a reasoned, logical argument to an emotional one! Attack the opponents character instead of their argument!


But hey, why let the facts spoil your conspiracy party right? I mean if PGI out wasn't out to get you, you couldn't be a victim could you?

Oh, ouch! Projection much? Right in the feels! I'll get right on feeling bad about myself, promise!

The fact remains that PGI have consistently taken the path of least effort to provide a feature of minimal viability, despite the community providing many viable alternatives. You white knight on behalf of the "Pro PUG" party line because it suits your desires and you hide behind that false altruism. It is you claiming the victim card here that no one will actually read what you write, no one will reason logically, no one will stop to look past their blind obsession. If I was trying to play the victim not only would I be doing it better, it would mean I have some emotional investment at stake here. I'm only really still around to watch the inevitable train wreck that MWO is to become.

If those that oppose you are so many and you are so few (or alone), perhaps it is not those you cast aspersions upon that are blinded?


EDIT : This describes your post precisily [sic], couldn't have written it better myself.

As for "All you do is invalidate anything positive you might have had to contribute", this is a position an ideologue usually takes (runs to?) when the argument is too hard to address. Can't defend your position or address the points raised? No problem! Dismiss the entire response out of hand by invalidating the person instead of the position! Problem solved!

Ah yes, Projection and reflection. When you can't meet an opponents points and they call you on the personal attacks, increase the fervor with which you attack their character with and throw their own arguments back at them. Note: I haven't attacked you directly, just your position and I have called you out on your bullshit evasion tactics.

And yet, still not one actual original point of mine addressed.

#423 Craig Steele


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 07:40 AM

View PostNightfire, on 05 April 2014 - 11:24 PM, said:

Ok, I just had to jump into this at this point.

It's easy for you to say these things simply because you see yourself on the "right" side of the argument. Your points are less about logic and reasoned debate and more about defending the game you want this to be. You, by your own admission, have a preference for solo pug play. This places all of what you say less on the side of altruism and reason and more about self indulgence.

I will expound.

So, point:
  • "If wish to play the game mode that is aimed at the games target demographic". Up until a little over one year ago (March), groups were what you would consider the target demographic. They were the most preferred mode of playing the game and they were the targeted demographic as per the core design pillars. This is how the game was sold to us Founders! Solo PUG drops are now the preferred mode of play by the majority of players because PGI altered the environment, either deliberately or by incompetence (I am honestly not sure which. It's hard to attribute something like this to malice simply because you don't want to think the people who hold your beloved IP are that cruel), to alter this preference. Their design choices to "improve the solo experience" only really achieved the result (or goal) of chasing off those that play in groups. In short, solo PUGs are only the target market because PGI changed the playing experience and the market changed to match. It could easily change again.
  • " It is an improvement over what we have now ".
    • So they first remove the ability to play with 5+ friends in normal game-play to establish the "normality" of that experience.
    • PGI then alter the environment so that those who prefer group play become the minority through attrition so as to make the 4 group limit the norm to the majority.
    • Now they reintroduce 5+ group play so people such are yourself who do not remember those days think "It is an improvement over what we have now". Even though in return for adding the ability to play with more friends, they remove the standard rewards for play (it could be exploited you know) and then also make people pay in either Premium Time (now) or MC (later). So it isn't an improvement, it's a step forward (5+ groups) and two steps back (removal of rewards + paying for the privilege).
      • As a side point, many Solo PUG White Knights won't even discuss and explore the exploitation issue. The fact that in principle exploitation is possible means there should in no way, ever be rewards. Even though we have no real idea how much it could be and what that look like in comparison to that lost time spent in public queues, the emotional argument wins.
    • "If wish to play the game mode that is aimed at the games target demographic, they will 'reward' you with in game currency" This is the real kick in the guts to group play. The "target demographic" is only now such because of recent (little over the last year or so, since the removal of 5+ groups) PGI design choices to "improve the PUG experience". So those that prefer larger group play are to fall in line when in the past, the minority PUG experience was deemed to be the all important cause even though groups were the larger, target demographic. So it's easy for you to make this claim because PUGs are not the minority anymore (so you can add that claim to your arsenal, NOW) and as a preferred Solo PUG player, this defends your play style well without having to be accountable for advocating your personal preference.
    • Finally, a cause posters such as RichAC love to champion, groups can't even keep playing in their preferred mode of play. They, by design, are forced to return to the public queue, with all its limitations, to earn revenue or to progress through the game. In other words, to actually PLAY the game they must participate in YOUR preferred style of play. I have my thoughts on why this is. Partly to keep the PUG queue having any relevance to the Group players and keeping people in that queue and partly to prevent group players returning en mass to once more dwarf the PUG presence. It is ultimately to keep the PUGs happy and somewhat placated.

So you hide your own personal desires behind the altruism of speaking out for the masses and defending PGI for targeting the largest player demographic. All without any irony in that said demographic was raised into ascendancy by PGI in their choices. Honestly, can you not own your own preferences and opinions?

So how about this? What if PGI altered the environment again to favour larger groups and enticed the old player base back, in turn making groups the predominant style of play once more? If they then changed the public queue to include said large groups and introduced a "Solo PUG only" queue that cost 5 MC a drop? Would you then keep this stance? Would it be fair that you would be forced to pay for your own preferred mode of play because the other guys were given how they wanted to play for free?

Oh I get this. I did go and find other games to play. BF4 has no qualms about me playing with 14 other friends at once and I have a blast! With Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous around the corner, MWO is looking to have a very bleak future in my gaming line-up as it currently stands. Mummy may not change her mind but I stopped contributing to Mommy's pocket money a while back too. If Mommy wants any more pocket money from me, then she has to start giving me some attention rather than pampering the golden PUG child.

Personal Agenda ... it's easy to be hypocritical and condescending when you can hide behind the shield of feigned altruism for the greater "target demographic" that you belong to.

And how about this not be a 0 sum game? You seem to gloss over this but larger group play was a sustainable model just as you seem to understand Solo PUG play is now ... as far as sustainable is with PGI's adversarial nature. So why can't PGI just look at better ways to balance things, allow players to have the experience they want instead of always taking the path of least effort?

Back at you buddy! Ultimately this post isn't here for you. It's here for the audience who may actually be swayed by rational points rather than, "we're the majority so we should have what we want! You're the minority so suck it up and be thankful for whatever little consideration you get!". I know you didn't actually say that and while it also may over-simplify your arguments a little, it is to me a salient summation of your position.

View PostNightfire, on 06 April 2014 - 02:26 AM, said:

Actually, I've read every post in this thread from OP to here, including all of your posts. You might openly state "I play more team games, I enjoy team games more and I like playing with my freinds [sic]" but your tone and arguments portray a different position. I can say I'm against murder all I want but if I say it while stabbing a knife into someone over and over, it kind of loses its impact.

As for "All you do is invalidate anything positive you might have had to contribute", this is a position an ideologue usually takes (runs to?) when the argument is too hard to address. Can't defend your position or address the points raised? No problem! Dismiss the entire response out of hand by invalidating the person instead of the position! Problem solved!

Oh I did and every other post you have made. My response may have quoted that one post of yours but it was a lazy, short hand way of addressing the many many bad points you have made without running back over 20 pages of posts to pick out each bad quote. I've done that before to refute an argument in complete detail with the opponents own words only to be met with, "No, because reasons". Not going to put that sort of effort in again.

They weren't your words at the end of my last post, they were mine. I said that! They were my summation of all your arguments, again, as I said! You know, taking accountability for one's words and putting them in context? I was anticipating the "I never said that and you can't find a place I ever did" argument. If you read that whole paragraph it really is quite clear. It had no inference as to anyone interpreting them based on the speaker.

But I know, you dismissed everything I said from the start so you can put any spin you like on it, right?

View PostNightfire, on 06 April 2014 - 06:48 AM, said:

Really? Just take a look back on the key words of your rebuttal here. Emotive language to the last. Not one point of mine addressed and every point raised an attack on my character. Yet you wonder why you struggle to make a valid point here? When you are in danger of losing, change from a reasoned, logical argument to an emotional one! Attack the opponents character instead of their argument!

Oh, ouch! Projection much? Right in the feels! I'll get right on feeling bad about myself, promise!

The fact remains that PGI have consistently taken the path of least effort to provide a feature of minimal viability, despite the community providing many viable alternatives. You white knight on behalf of the "Pro PUG" party line because it suits your desires and you hide behind that false altruism. It is you claiming the victim card here that no one will actually read what you write, no one will reason logically, no one will stop to look past their blind obsession. If I was trying to play the victim not only would I be doing it better, it would mean I have some emotional investment at stake here. I'm only really still around to watch the inevitable train wreck that MWO is to become.

If those that oppose you are so many and you are so few (or alone), perhaps it is not those you cast aspersions upon that are blinded?

Ah yes, Projection and reflection. When you can't meet an opponents points and they call you on the personal attacks, increase the fervor with which you attack their character with and throw their own arguments back at them. Note: I haven't attacked you directly, just your position and I have called you out on your bullshit evasion tactics.

And yet, still not one actual original point of mine addressed.

So heres you three posts, lets dance then.

Firstly you start off by saying "By your (as in mine) own admission you have a preference for solo PUG play" Thats your words, and I never said it.

When I call you out on this unsubstantiated assertion you try and take your feet out of your mouth with the following "You might openly state...... but your (mine) tone and arguments portray..." so yes, you went and re read and found out that your initial claim had no basis. I never admitted that did I?

And yet still you are here trying to justify why I should entertain anything you have to say.

Let me be clear, you showed in your first opening statements thats you had no understanding of the discussion. Ergo, I dismissed the rest of your post as being on the same basis as identified above, unresearched and unsubstantiated.

You go on to berate me for having this opinion you have fostered upon me and when I don't entertain trying to justify myself against your baseless claims, and I point out to you how your claims are baseless, you slip into the old "you're playing the man" quote.

I know it well, I've been the subject of it many times. What you neglect to highlight is how in your first post you spend virtually all of it doing exactly the same thing. Thats called Hypocritical.

So lets be clear, you assert you know what my opinion is better than I do, and when I respond to you thats not my opinion, I am now "covering up" by not addressing your point (although you have no actual point). Ergo, if I don't defend myself against an opinion I don't actually have (except by your assertion) then I have no substance.

Well ****** me.

Now your trotting out more words like "Projection and reflection" which are amaeteur psychology but it does show you at least have understanding, yet again you fail to draw the conclusion that you have already been guilty of exactly the same thing. Surely you can see that you being critical of me being critical of you (as you alledge) is actually, you being critical of me? Why if it is satisfactory for you, can you not deal with it when turned around. I'm only following the example you have set if your assertion is correct. If you don't like it, don't use it yourself.

I'll tell you why I think thats so though.

It's because you didn't launch into this thread with any desire to meaningfully contribute. Heck you clearly didn't even read the content. Even in your third post you continue to label me a "White Knight" when I have disavowed the same and even presented an argument critical of PGI. You wouldn't know that though, because you didn't read anything before launching in, and of course you know what my opinion is better than I do.

At best your goal is to simply throw your weight around, more likely you're just trolling. Either way you're only trying to derail the thread. Why, well most likely because of exactly what you point in my direction.

You have no counter to the fact that the game is indeed Free To Play, it is not "Pay to Play". It is "Pay to Play" in a certain game mode, but that is an opt in opt out choice of the player, just like camo colours. It is also not a real direct cost to every player who chooses that option. You have no counter to the fact that from what we have today, the proposed amendments are an improvement, we will have more functionality than we do today. You have no counter to the fact that the 5+ team play was indeed removed during Beta, when the player population should expect things to change.

These are all facts, you cannot dispute them. I defy you to find anywhere in my posts that I have said this satifies my personal desires for the game, but no doubt you kow my opinion better than me anyway. You will say that because I present THE FACTS, that I am a White Knight and Pro PUG. You will indeed continue to "play the man" because you cannot argue these facts.

So in summary, if you actually had a meaningful contribution to the subject with some substance I would treat you the same as I have the numerous other contributors that have had good points to raise over the last FEW DAYS (see how I've never walked away from anyone here before, nor have I just shown up), but regrettably, you do not have anything of substance for me to discuss with you.

If you want to represent that as me not desiring to engage with you, thats your choice. But I am telling you up front that the reason I am not addressing you is that your posts have nothing to discuss. You want a response, put up something of substance. Stop trying to tell me that you know what I am thinking and address the content.

Straight bat see.

By the way, look up "Passive Agressive", it's another good one for amaeteur phsychologists.

#424 Nightfire


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 08:11 AM

View PostCraig Steele, on 06 April 2014 - 07:40 AM, said:

So heres [sic] you three posts, lets dance then.
<Lots of emotive, invective words that don't actually address any point made in the original post>

So even though you quote my original post, you don't actually address any point in it. Here is a brief rundown of what they were. You know, so you don't actually have to bother reading the post you quoted but continue to dismiss.
  • PGI's altering the player-experience to alter the player demographic
  • PGI's use of attrition to reduce the number of those who remember 5+ group play, thus normalizing the 2-4 group experience
  • The reintroduction of 5+ group play is now done at a premium cost
  • That the Private Lobbies is not "an improvement over what we have now" but rather a "one step forward, two steps back" deal.
  • That the Private Lobby feature doesn't really allow those who prefer larger group play to stay in their own preferred mode, even if they pay for it. That, by design, these players are forced back into the PUG queue simply to progress.
You know, actually addressing any of these points instead of your holier than thou smearing campaign.

I'll even go one further:
Private Lobbies will get initial, curiosity based use when they first come out and then they will be unused save for 3rd party tournaments, if those tournaments even eventuate. Tournaments might eventuate beyond the initial novelty period but general use will be a big failure for the simple reason that in their current form they will require players to pay in some form to be able to play a different game, one devoid of progression or rewards, simply to be able to play with their friends in a team based game.


Straight bat see.

By the way, look up "Passive Agressive", it's another good one for amaeteur phsychologists.

You do well pointing the finger here but from the start, I have had one set of points and you have gone out of your way to avoid addressing a single one and attack me personally. In every post of mine, including this one, I've asked that you address my points and just the those points. Or that too much to ask?

#425 Randalf Yorgen


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 11:08 AM

View PostCraig Steele, on 05 April 2014 - 04:54 PM, said:

Well thats just not true. What I have said is stop with the alarmist unsupported inflamatory statements and discuss the subject matter objectionaly.

I have asked some people to substantiate the things the say, and some of them can't support their statements, and thats not a bad thing.

EDIT: Rereading you were being descriptive, not making a summary. My error, yes people have been offering some thoughts on why the planned move is 'bad'

The same comment applies to the other argument, no new points. Just people bleating with un substantiated concerns over and over. If you go look at my posts, its not me making any personal insinuations and judgements, far from it. See below for an example, one which I will respond to in kind for the first time.

OK, well skim this.

Can you comprehend the written word? so far you haven't and again, it's a life skill, something that you keep proving that you are dreadfully short of.

The game is Free to Play, was on day one, will be when the patch launch module arrives.

You will have to pay to play the game in your personal mode, whether be in flash colours, or with cockpit items or even playing in groups larger than 4 (when the launch mode arrives). Also, you will have to Pay for extra things not part of the standard game mode like coolant flushes and air strikes.

If wish to play the game mode that is aimed at the games target demographic, they will 'reward' you with in game currency that you can use to buy some of those things, but if you choose to play in a personal "preferred" setting then you will not get those rewards.

Game is still Free to Play, but like all Free to Play game models it levies a cost for people playing outside of the core game mode. (I can argue about whether the cost in this case is actually material but lets not inflame you anymore)*

What my point is is that people screaming out ad nauseum that the Game is "Pay to Play" are not only incorrect and inflammatory, they are ignoring the fact that they can indeed now (on Launch) play with more than 3 friends in a single match.

It is an improvement over what we have now.

You "found a better way", and now you're upset that PGI are going to collect some revenue off you for you to play the game with advantages. Have a look at the tag next to my name, see the Overlord badge? Does that tell you I want to play for free? Be honest, do you keep throwing infantile and erroneous statements completely off the subject to hide your inability to make a comprehensive argument.

So heres the thing, if you want to stand in the corner stamping your feet with tears running down your face cause mummy won't let you play like you want to with your freinds, go for it. No one is going to force you to play the game. Mummy is also not going to change her mind.

If on the other hand you can get past your personal agenda and realise there are other peoples opinions that are as equally valid, you might be able to contribute to a meaningful and objective discussion that sees further improvement and gets the game where you want it to be. I'm not holding my breath though.**

But here's the thing

I don't really care if you do or not.

* This is the funniest thing I have ever skimmed, you hold the unfairness of the upcoming game up as a badge of how things should be and that everyone should just love you for it. Are your shirts Brown? Are you ready to Burn all the books that say anything that counter you? Are you ready to lock up all people who disagree with you? THAT is exactly the path you are on.

** to this, all I can say is this is...I'M Rubber and You're GLUE, What you say Bounces off me and Sticks to You with regards to you saying this, and my link to what a conversation is (did you take the time to read it, no of course you didn't, your fighting 20 battles at once in this thread, you need to look in the mirror. I know I know, weak right... except I've been in your shoes, I know both sides, you, you're tilting at Windmills.

You have absolutely no clue about the type of officer thing do you, that's sad but completely understandable, it actually takes knowing a different type of life, you don't have to live it just know it, to understand it but you continuously refuse to even think about someone else and their position.

#426 Dock Steward


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 11:10 AM


Unfortunately what I'm about to say won't settle this debate, but my hope is that it may bring us all a bit closer to harmony.

Now, it seems safe to say that most of the people commenting in this thread just want their particular point of view to be considered and appreciated by the other side of the argument, and your particular point of view seems to be that the changes coming with the Launch Module show progress. Fine, I admit, there is some form of progress there. Here's the problem though:

Is it progress that there will be a way for players to change the game parameters to suit their needs, e.g. being able to play canon games when clans come, and vary from the 3/3/3/3, and all that other jazz? Absolutely. In fact, it's completely awesome that we will be able to do that. It's exciting, it's new. It will add some nice variety from the normal game experience. It is also completely fair and logical that this added flexibility will have a cost incurred by the players choosing you take advantage of that flexibility. Boom, progress. You are 100% correct there.

However, with the Launch Module changes, groups of players who wish to play with 2, 3, or 4 people will be able to play the standard game for free and earn the standard rewards. Groups of 12 people will be able to play that exact same standard game with the exact same standard rewards for free. Groups of 5-11, for some reason, are not given this option at all. Even though those groups of 5-11 may wish to play that exact same standard game and earn those exact same standard rewards, there will be absolutely no way for them to do that, at all. On the issue of groups of 5-11 playing the same game and earning the same rewards and doing it for the same cost of zero, no progress is being made.

Since there is no way for me to quantify the value of all the different changes the Launch Module will bring, it is impossible for me to say whether or not the net changes can be seen as progress or not. All I can say with certainty is that some aspects bring progress on the topic of certain problems and some aspects fail to bring any progress to other problems.

So the change is simultaneously progressive and not. In the end, I'm happy that PGI is implementing certain things and disappointed, and actually somewhat appalled that they've chosen to not give certain features to specific groups of players. This I see as unfair, unjustified, and nonsensical.

I have said that I see and partially agree with your side of the argument. Can you see and at least partially agree with my side?

Edited by Dock Steward, 06 April 2014 - 11:12 AM.

#427 Craig Steele


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 03:54 PM

View PostDock Steward, on 06 April 2014 - 11:10 AM, said:


Unfortunately what I'm about to say won't settle this debate, but my hope is that it may bring us all a bit closer to harmony.

Now, it seems safe to say that most of the people commenting in this thread just want their particular point of view to be considered and appreciated by the other side of the argument, and your particular point of view seems to be that the changes coming with the Launch Module show progress. Fine, I admit, there is some form of progress there. Here's the problem though:

Is it progress that there will be a way for players to change the game parameters to suit their needs, e.g. being able to play canon games when clans come, and vary from the 3/3/3/3, and all that other jazz? Absolutely. In fact, it's completely awesome that we will be able to do that. It's exciting, it's new. It will add some nice variety from the normal game experience. It is also completely fair and logical that this added flexibility will have a cost incurred by the players choosing you take advantage of that flexibility. Boom, progress. You are 100% correct there.

However, with the Launch Module changes, groups of players who wish to play with 2, 3, or 4 people will be able to play the standard game for free and earn the standard rewards. Groups of 12 people will be able to play that exact same standard game with the exact same standard rewards for free. Groups of 5-11, for some reason, are not given this option at all. Even though those groups of 5-11 may wish to play that exact same standard game and earn those exact same standard rewards, there will be absolutely no way for them to do that, at all. On the issue of groups of 5-11 playing the same game and earning the same rewards and doing it for the same cost of zero, no progress is being made.

Since there is no way for me to quantify the value of all the different changes the Launch Module will bring, it is impossible for me to say whether or not the net changes can be seen as progress or not. All I can say with certainty is that some aspects bring progress on the topic of certain problems and some aspects fail to bring any progress to other problems.

So the change is simultaneously progressive and not. In the end, I'm happy that PGI is implementing certain things and disappointed, and actually somewhat appalled that they've chosen to not give certain features to specific groups of players. This I see as unfair, unjustified, and nonsensical.

I have said that I see and partially agree with your side of the argument. Can you see and at least partially agree with my side?

Not partially, I absolutely agree with you. I can see the argument, and I have said several times that I am directly impacted by the changes myself. You have expressed the point I have made repeatedly. What I also say is that inflammatory garbage being offered up by some people deflects from the discussion.

PGI have said that when the launch module arrives;

1) The Game will still be F2P
2) The Game will have an optional game mode where people can play in teams of 5 - 11
3) This is a game mode that we do not currently have access to
4) The majority of players who opt into this game mode will have no direct cost

Yet still some people want to make baseless unsubtabtiated statements that they cannot back up.

It is not going to be "Pay to Play", and you can play in teams of 5 - 11 at no direct cost (and arguably no additional cost at all)

I am here saying stop the garbage, it serves no purpose.

Heck one guy here is telling me what my opinion is and then berating me because I don't argue with him from the point of the view he has assigned to me. My actual opinion on the matter is irrelevant and yet somehow, I am the argumentative one for not making an argument from the point of view he has bestowed upon me. He is actually still telling me that I am attacking him neglecting to acknowledge that in his very first paragraph he makes his own personal attacks and insinuations while being erroneous on the facts, and when called out throws down his 'victim' card.

This is the sort of double standards, hypocritical, inflammatory posts that do nothing to help the discussion. If they want to make it about me as some of them are, that's more a reflection on then than it is on me.

Edited by Craig Steele, 06 April 2014 - 03:55 PM.

#428 Roadbeer


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 03:58 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 06 April 2014 - 03:54 PM, said:

PGI have said that when the launch module arrives;

1) The Game will still be F2P
2) The Game will have an optional game mode where people can play in teams of 5 - 11
3) This is a game mode that we do not currently have access to
4) The majority of players who opt into this game mode will have no direct cost

Yet still some people want to make baseless unsubtabtiated statements that they cannot back up.

It is not going to be "Pay to Play", and you can play in teams of 5 - 11 at no direct cost (and arguably no additional cost at all)

Now, before you launch into a winded reply to this, I want you to answer these questions as simply as you can.

Is the Premium Match System the only place that 5-11 groups can play?
Does access to the Premium Match System require that the group leaders carry Premium Time?
Does Premium Time cost MC?
Does MC cost money?

I don't want you to answer anything else from this but those questions.

Edited by Roadbeer, 06 April 2014 - 04:16 PM.

#429 Roland


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:03 PM

What's funny is that I wouldn't even mind paying for premium time to be able to form groups larger than 4.

I just want to be able to have such groups and easily play, without having to use private matches and preschedule games with other folks.

Edited by Roland, 06 April 2014 - 04:03 PM.

#430 Craig Steele


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:25 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 06 April 2014 - 03:58 PM, said:

Now, before you launch into a winded reply to this, I want you to answer these questions as simply as you can.

Is the Premium Match System the only place that 5-11 groups can play?
Does access to the Premium Match System require that the group leaders carry Premium Time?
Does Premium Time cost MC?
Does MC cost money?

I don't want you to answer anything else from this but those questions.

Is the Premium Match System the only place that 5-11 groups can play? Yes
Does access to the Premium Match System require that the group leaders carry Premium Time? Yes
Does Premium Time cost MC? Yes and No, it also comes as part of packages
Does MC cost money? Yes

#431 Roadbeer


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:30 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 06 April 2014 - 04:25 PM, said:

Is the Premium Match System the only place that 5-11 groups can play? Yes
Does access to the Premium Match System require that the group leaders carry Premium Time? Yes
Does Premium Time cost MC? Yes and No, it also comes as part of packages
Does MC cost money? Yes

... and those packages that they come with also cost money, so we'll change that answer to a yes.


Putting all that together
The only way that someone can play in a group from 5 to 11 players in size is to play in the Premium Private Match System, and the only way you have access to the Premium Private Match System is for the Group Leader for each group to carry Premium Time, and the only way to get Premium time is by spending money some how.

Then by the transitive property, to play in the Premium Private Match system requires that SOMEONE in your group has spent money.


Pay to Play.

Algebra is awesome.

#432 Craig Steele


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 04:59 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 06 April 2014 - 04:30 PM, said:

... and those packages that they come with also cost money, so we'll change that answer to a yes.


Putting all that together
The only way that someone can play in a group from 5 to 11 players in size is to play in the Premium Private Match System, and the only way you have access to the Premium Private Match System is for the Group Leader for each group to carry Premium Time, and the only way to get Premium time is by spending money some how.

Then by the transitive property, to play in the Premium Private Match system requires that SOMEONE in your group has spent money.


Pay to Play.

Algebra is awesome.

Except for the overlooked factor in your equation is that game mode is OPTIONAL, and hence the "game" remains free to play with an optional mode that has a cost.

Look, if you want to make a point about the ethics of a company that subsequently monetizes a commitment they gave the player base, I'm going to nod my head right alongside you.

You want to make posts about their decision to go this path on lop sided statistics representing the player base, I've already chipped in.

But if you're point is "my personal choice of game mode costs me money" that's as equally valid as "my personal camo preference costs me money", or any other personal choice people pay for in a F2P game mode.

Screaming out "it's Pay to Play" when thats simply inaccurate doesn't help your cause. If anything it invalidates it.

View PostRoland, on 06 April 2014 - 04:03 PM, said:

I just want to be able to have such groups and easily play, without having to use private matches and preschedule games with other folks.

This is my personal passion about the proposed changes, its pretty frickin hard. I'll still try it, but it reads pretty ordinary in the PGI statement.

Edited by Craig Steele, 06 April 2014 - 05:00 PM.

#433 Roadbeer


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 05:06 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 06 April 2014 - 04:59 PM, said:


Just stop dude, the only thing anyone is talking about is that it is "Pay To Play" if you're a group over 4, and everyone else gets to play how they want for free.

To anything else you have to say on the topic, just shaddup already. You just got taken to school and taught some algebra.

#434 Craig Steele


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 05:10 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 06 April 2014 - 05:06 PM, said:

Just stop dude, the only thing anyone is talking about is that it is "Pay To Play" if you're a group over 4, and everyone else gets to play how they want for free.

To anything else you have to say on the topic, just shaddup already. You just got taken to school and taught some algebra.

LOL, sure, you keep on keeping on then.

Algerbra don't work when you don't have all the values man. They teach that in school too.

#435 Roland


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 05:22 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 06 April 2014 - 05:10 PM, said:

LOL, sure, you keep on keeping on then.

Algerbra don't work when you don't have all the values man. They teach that in school too.

Technically, the entire point of algebra is to derive unknown values.

#436 DaZur


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 07:27 PM

You know... I almost regret creating this thread. ;)

It's like I'm watching a half-dozen 5 year olds argue over who ate the last cookie...

#437 Deathlike


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 07:30 PM

View PostDaZur, on 06 April 2014 - 07:27 PM, said:

You know... I almost regret creating this thread. <_<

It's like I'm watching a half-dozen 5 year olds argue over who ate the last cookie...

I ate it, because I don't need friends! :ph34r:


#438 Roadbeer


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 07:30 PM

View PostDaZur, on 06 April 2014 - 07:27 PM, said:

You know... I almost regret creating this thread. ;)

It's like I'm watching a half-dozen 5 year olds argue over who ate the last cookie...

Well, if it's a bacon cookie. There is no need to argue over who ate it.

It was me.

#439 DaZur


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 08:04 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 06 April 2014 - 07:30 PM, said:

I ate it, because I don't need friends! :rolleyes:


View PostRoadbeer, on 06 April 2014 - 07:30 PM, said:

Well, if it's a bacon cookie. There is no need to argue over who ate it.

It was me.

I appreciate you two stepping forward and owning up to eating the last cookie...

Your punishment? 2 hours of PUG'ing in a Trial mech... With a Joystick. :ph34r:

Edited by DaZur, 06 April 2014 - 09:41 PM.

#440 Roadbeer


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Posted 06 April 2014 - 08:09 PM

View PostDaZur, on 06 April 2014 - 08:04 PM, said:

I appreciate you two stepping forward and owing up to eating the last cookie...

Your punishment? 2 hours of PUG'ing in a Trial mech... With a Joystick. ^_^

I'm part of the Joystick underhive, so this punishment doesn't effect me.

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