Day 61# Update #1
We continue to make progress on multiple different fronts as Usual here in the "House of Solveinean" or {H*S} as we are most commonly known. I have been hard at work cleaning up the website and updating multiple sections on it. There is so much lore to go on the website from over fourteen years of development that at times it even overwhelms me. The "Public" Novel is going well and yet some new readers want to read the past sub-parts of Chapter One, Sub-Chapter One, Part {A}. I have considered this of course and may for a short time at the finish of {A} post the entirety of {A} for those who have not read it.
We continue to keep an eye out for new "Initiates" the largest factor I am told turning people away from our "Unit" has been our strict Policies and Conditions dealing with the "Initiate" Program and our seriousness told this "Unit". In any case I am grateful in some ways for our slow growth and know that we are building something that will last far past "Mechwarrior Online" into the future for generations to come.
On a slightly different note I have been considering releasing another book outside the Public Novel and that is the Solveinean religious scriptures. In truth these books are huge and I haven't decided if I am going to release them or not to the public. The main reason is the work involved not the reviews or views of others, after all everyone has opinion but as long as you have strong faith no one can shake you from your own.
<Naschina> Wolniewski