The fairgrounds come to the battlefield this week with all your favorite performers. For 11 days in April, a Hero BattleMech is on sale for 50% off the regular MC price! This fair is no ferris wheel ride; Mechs from all over the InnerSphere are here to impress you with their class act!
Apr 11 The Boar's Head AS7-BH
[background=transparent;]Apr 12 [/font]Yen-Lo-Wang CN9-YLW
[background=transparent;]Apr 13 [/font]Heavy Metal HGN-HM
[background=transparent;]Apr 14 [/font]Fang DRG-FANG
[background=transparent;]Apr 15 [/font]Grid Iron HBK-GI
[background=transparent;]Apr 16 [/font]Jester CPLT-J
[background=transparent;]Apr 17 [/font]Golden Boy KTO-GB
[background=transparent;]Apr 18 [/font]Pretty Baby AWS-PB
[background=transparent;]Apr 19 [/font]Misery STK-M
[background=transparent;]Apr 20 [/font]Ilya Muromets CTF-IM
[background=transparent;]Apr 21 [/font]Protector ON1-P