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#41 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 12:29 PM


Hopefully the MM is all sorted out by the time people wanna play and use this :rolleyes:

#42 n r g


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Posted 29 May 2014 - 04:57 PM

What happened to the links to the teams/clans and such? it dissapeared

#43 Darthspoke


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Posted 30 May 2014 - 05:38 PM

Quick Update:
The Lobby is constantly changing. Evolving. Upgrading. And now, we are almost ready to launch our Lobby League (needs better name).
The controls for the league are mostly in place on the lobby now. Teams can be created and joined, users can be assgined ranks in those teams, and users can pick their starter mechs! Tenbatsu plan to have the bidding and reporting systems in place in the next week or so, and then the games can begin! hit up myself, or any of the other Lobby moderators for any help with getting your league stuff setup!
League rules can be found here: https://mwolobby.com/league-rules

Come on back to the Lobby if you haven't been by in a while...we miss you.

Edited by Darthspoke, 01 June 2014 - 07:56 AM.

#44 Darthspoke


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 02:32 PM

Hey everybody!
So clans are here, and we have some new toys to play with.
More importantly, to some of us, the MWOLobby League features are active and usable NOW at mwolobby.com! We are in a beta state right now, so come on over and help us test and refine the League features!
To test the league features:

1. Enable "League Mode" under the 'user' drop down menu at the top right under the 'Options' menu item.

2. The 'League' dropdown should now be visible. You can now 'Join' or 'Create' a unit. You must be affiliated with a unit in order to participate in the league.

3. Try to find a member from another team to test bidding and match reporting. In order to do this both members need to join a room, join opposing teams, take command of their teams, then hit the 'Ready' Button. Once both team members are ready you can begin the bidding process.

We miss you...

#45 CG Chicken Kn


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 11:25 AM

Wow I feel fail for not finding this before.

Bumping for what will surely be the most fun you can have in a mech.

They locked our General thread booo!

PS. I would change my sig, but a lot of you know we have been fighting the fight for gaming goodness ever since we got Microsoft to keep the MW3 lobby up for another year, then hijacking the MW4 Mercs lobby after that until the Zone finally went dark.

And look, Still pushing for gaming goodness after all these years..


Edited by CG Chicken Kn, 22 June 2014 - 11:27 AM.

#46 xX_Nero_Xx


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 12:15 PM

league is about to start so register your teams now

#47 CG Chicken Kn


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 04:03 PM

Have not been able to get in to actual lobby today. Down for updating?

#48 mp00


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 04:17 PM

It seems to have been up all day for me. Maybe contact Tenbatsu through the site if still having difficulties.

#49 CG Chicken Kn


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 04:35 PM

hmm.. He changed my settings for me yesterday, perhaps a checkmark became unchecked.I can log in, just not get on lobby page.

*edit. Sent Ten an email. Probably something silly.

Edited by CG Chicken Kn, 22 June 2014 - 04:38 PM.

#50 mp00


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 04:38 PM

Ok sent him a message I am sure as he sees it he will figure out whats going on :D

#51 Tenbatsu


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 09:42 AM

I'm seeing quite a few leagues started up or getting started here in the community run events section.

I want to let everyone know that the lobby was made so any league can use it. I know you might think the lobby ladder league is competition but I have an option enabled that will disable all league features with one click so you can use the lobby how you like. If any leagues decides to use the lobby regularly I will restore the lobby to its original setting of disabling its built-in league features on start up for any new users.

The great thing about the MS Gaming Zone during MW3/4 was that you had a mix of leagues and options to choose from when playing competitively. Keeping your leagues locked in a TS server might work for you but it's not going to allow more people to participate or join since it's a closed circuit. We need to work together to try to recreate the thriving environment from the previous games because MWO sorely needs that type of community right now in my opinion.

Edited by Tenbatsu, 28 June 2014 - 10:00 AM.

#52 OnLashoc


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 06:26 PM

Can't wait to get going, league matches start Monday July 1st!!

#53 Deathshade


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:18 AM

Once this gets rolling and popular, this will be the only game in town. All us old mechwarriors remember the days where we would be playing all night match after match. No TS or web based league can match that. Real time rules.

#54 KingCobra


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:36 AM

I posted a suggestion to play MechWarrior4 Mercenaries on your lobby's there are still many old MechWarrior2-4 pilots on Game Ranger that would come over to MWO lobby if you coded it to launch plain Mechwarrior4Mercinaries or the Mecharrior4 MeKtek mod if you need any help come over to Game Ranger and talk with us or get on TS3 comms to chat about it. pass=AtlasPzk2.
in the evenings.

Then when MWO becomes launch able in your lobby's we could play MWO also.

Edited by KingCobra, 29 June 2014 - 07:38 AM.

#55 CG Chicken Kn


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:26 PM

MWO is all server based, pretty sure you couldn't launch it like MW3 or 4 did in the zone, since in that case one person hosted the game locally on his computer.

However... I have no issues with any one using the lobby to meet up for other Mech games, and Ten has already said he hopes other leagues will use it a a staging area. There is no reason why they couldn't use a lobby room to organize their match, and the benefit is people can ALSO play in the lobby league, say do 1 v 1's or w/e while waiting for their full team game to get started.

Having the community come together and play together. Great games and community.

Let's make that happen. It's all about the Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by CG Chicken Kn, 29 June 2014 - 10:27 PM.

#56 OnLashoc


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 03:07 PM

Correction, league play opens tomorrow (TUESDAY) July 1st, I thought today was the 1st ;)

#57 OnLashoc


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Posted 01 July 2014 - 02:29 PM

It's MWOLobby League Opening Day!!

Edited by OnLashoc, 01 July 2014 - 02:29 PM.

#58 CG Chicken Kn


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Posted 02 July 2014 - 08:15 PM

Well we have had some fun league games, and bidding matches has exactly the effect I remember.

It is more than possible to bid and counter-bid to create a fun and interesting dynamic in the games.

Now with small groups kind of getting the shaft in current matchmaker, perhaps many more smaller units will come on over and try the lobby system, even if it is only for setting up fun games. Trust me, having a level playing field is a LOT more fun than getting rolled by 12 mans. And when those same groups come play in the league, which I hope they do, the bidding process is a great leveler.

Don't want to face "x" number of Dragonslayers? Save that last bid for "lights" or "mediums" Bid missiles and narc only, or any other combination to throw your opponent off. Being able to be versatile in builds and good with all types of weapons, not just the dreaded "meta" makes for creative and entertaining games.


#59 Chi Tatsu


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 03:41 AM

Since the admin's removed my post elsewhere without reading the entire message....... I'll share again here.... maybe Egomane will read the whole message this time and enable some feedback on CW from PGI.
Incase you ARE NOT aware there is a real time ladder league running now. It is at mwolobby.com. It's a great setup, excellent biding/tracking system, and wonderful addition to drive CW. The problem is engagement... we need masses to check it out! Give it a shot! The other issue is PGI support.... the fact that one must own premium to do private matches (i.e. 1 v 1) kills optimism. PGI's support to help make this league successful as a fan based initiative that so many want to enjoy is needed...

Lastly.... when CW finally does come and we can make clans and rank systems in the game, will a ranking system follow that is player specific and clan specific with k/d, win%, point system etc?

All of this existed in 1997 with AOL Battletech online, seems it'd be a walk in the park to put in place 17 years later.

Not expecting PGI response, as normal, but hopefully someone ponders these ideas.

Take care.
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#60 Tenbatsu


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 08:07 PM

Thanks for fighting the good fight Chi Tatsu. I'm going to add a bit to it if you don't mind.

The zone had it easy since it was the single access point for multiplayer during the MW3/4 days. MWO Lobby doesn't have that luxury but I've built the lobby to meet and exceed its predecessor as much as possible in an attempt to retain users. Unfortunately rebuilding the zone and embedding a real-time league into it hasn't been enough to spark interest and I don't think my lack of effort is entirely to blame.

The built-in ladder league was a dream of mine when I was a kid playing on the zone. It's something I had always wanted out of the zone and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. Had a league like that been around for MW3 and MW4 it would have ridiculously popular. I can say with near certainty that I'd have people knocking down the lobby doors if everyone playing MWO had experienced league play on the zone during the MW3/4 eras and knew that MWO Lobby and its ladder league existed.

Maybe the times have changed; it's possible the user base here doesn't have the fire for third party leagues as it did when I was a kid. Maybe it's easier to have endless matches against faceless opponents that you may or may not ever communicate with again than it is to organize a unit and play in the private lobbies. Perhaps only competing in PGI sponsored events is the only form of community warfare MWO players need. If this is the case then this isn't the 'Mechwarrior' I knew growing up and if you're a MWO player happy with the status quo then you are seriously missing out on the old school 'Mechwarrior' experience.

The older titles made Mechwarrior a community game where everyone knew everyone else, for better or for worse. There were good guys, bad guys and everyone in-between. You knew each unit, each player, the mechs they liked to use, their lag spacing, their defensive maneuvers and even what they ate for dinner that night (lol). MWO just does not have that type of community and it baffles me that the developers wouldn't try to recreate that type of environment again when they already have more than half of the equation in place.

Easing the access restrictions on private lobbies would be a good first step to opening the flood gates. Access to the private lobbies should not be so punishing. I fully understand the need to monetize where you can but the private lobby restrictions need to be reduced so third party community warfare options can flourish. It would make more sense to lure people in and then find a way to monetize once you get people hooked on the private lobbies. It just doesn't make sense to make such a high barrier to entry and expect to cover the costs of development to make private lobbies worth the effort. As of today, people are not dropping MC on Premium time for my league and I doubt they're doing so for any others out there either.

We're not trying to steal your thunder PGI, we're only trying to help you create an honest to goodness 'Mechwarrior' Community; the kind that lasts decades, not years. Please assist me and the other MWO leagues in the effort to create the community that this game needs by making the private lobbies more accessible to all users. Give us that much and I believe there's enough talent around here for us to do the rest.

I'm going to stop here because this post is already getting a little too long winded for my liking. I will most likely be elaborating these points further in a General Discussion post because I feel this part of the community need some love right now and the 'Community Hyperpulse Generator' just isn't the best place to shine a light onto this issue.

Edited by Tenbatsu, 11 July 2014 - 08:14 PM.

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