HAMMERHEAD™ is an elite Battlemech security services provider. With expertise forged in the Innersphere's most challenging environments, our galactic-class network of security professionals design customized solutions for our clients to help them navigate the complex, sensitive environments in which they operate.
Today’s changing security climate demands innovative solutions that can be applied in both high-threat and low profile operating environments. HAMMERHEAD™ has become a trusted partner to both government and commercial clients by providing solutions that foster a smarter, safer security approach based on Battlemech pilot knowledge and training.
Our cadre of experienced Mechwarriors create comprehensive training curriculums for both government and commercial clients that utilize our premiere 700,000 acre training facility located in Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth
HAMMERHEAD™ works as a team to promote a culture of integrity, excellence, and dignity in everything we do, making us a trusted Battlemech security partner.
We specialize in hunting clanners and ridding the inner sphere of their filth, so if you hate the clans and want the chance at hanging a few bottle warriors heads from your belt hammerhead may be the place for you !!
SIgn on with HAMMERHEAD @
Edited by Sharrowkyn Crow, 30 March 2016 - 06:28 AM.