Captain Stern, on 15 April 2014 - 06:47 PM, said:
Khobai, why not just say "remove all AC's from the game", maybe there should be a tradeoff between unlimited ammo and short term damage ? That's the basic tradeoff, Energy weapons get unlimited ammo, while AC's are heavy, take lots of ammo, but generate less heat, and are better in damage and range ? Now your recommending no range advantage across the board ? This just feels like they want to remove the AC2, next patch, they might boost it a little, to try and shut us up, but that's like buying a 5% increase in range, in exchange for real money, then reducing range by 33% across the board. Humm
well when you say tonnage about ballistics thats usually not a problem for jaggermechs/catapratchs/banshee's/highlanders/victors and the ammo explosions really don't happen often enough
running out of ammo is another rare thing for big dakka mechs iv seen too
Easy to use - Superior range - able to brawl - excellent at killing lights and assaults - low heat except for ac 2 - lots of DPS - pinpoint
i do think ballistics need some tweaking
but even with 1000 meter range AC 2's still can deal quite allot of hurt as opposed to the
as of now slower projectile speed AC 5's with some reduced range
Ghost heat only effects rapid chainfire for the most part but that is not stopping it from dealing damage so i don't see how its effecting its viability if it can't screenshake as much
which it can't as much because it did have a screen shake reduction
but yeah ghost heat for AC 2's is plain dumb but it doesn't make the weapon bad
Edited by kesuga7, 15 April 2014 - 06:59 PM.