Bagheera, on 17 April 2014 - 06:37 AM, said:

Nevermind the aws-8r was actually good in those days too.

The splash being brought back to just unguided SRMs would do wonders for the game balance these days.
At long range:
PPCs + Gauss + SRMs will core everything out
At mid range:
PPCs + Gauss + Autocannons will core everything out
At close range:
OH NOES!!!1111 SRMs will obliterate things
Think about it for a moment. That's only after the SRM carrying mechs survive all the hell flung at them. And even then, they STILL have to make it past AC 20s and concentrated fire up close.
To me, it'd even the odds at least. Make SRMs worth carrying again. It'd bring flanking and brawling back. All of a sudden a 12-man deathball would need to be wary of the 4 man flash SRM brawlers.
I'm okay with that.
And light mechs... they might whine about this... But frankly, they need to be scared of SRM mechs, not laugh at them like they do now.
Edited by Mister Blastman, 17 April 2014 - 07:22 AM.