- let us sort engines we own vs those we don't
- when I choose to filter my mech list with "owned", I don't want to see the trial mechs. I want to see mechs I can customize. Maybe add another filter called "customizable"?
- can the mech details button be put right under the "configure" button?
- change the "checkout" button to "save loadout" so it's less confusing to new players that you still have to push that to save your build even if you didn't buy anything new. Also, please increase it's size so it's more apparent you have to hit that button before you can leave the loadout screen without losing changes
- let us sort pilot skills and mech trees with an "owned" filter
- please fix the list vs tile sorting buttons so they actually work at the top of the mechlab and skill tree windows
- I would rather have the equipment list windows be smaller so you can fit the mech details on the screen. I'm sick of having to constantly press "mech details at the bottom to check the overall loadout, then have to hit "back" in the top left and then select the component I was working on to customize it (leg, arm, torso)
- let us manipulate equipment in the mech details page, i.e. dragging them out of the details page and off the mech overview
- please include the speed, firepower, tonnage, and other mech details in the ACTUAL details page when I click "mech details". I'm forced to constantly toggle back and forth to see tonnage and firepower values vs the overview of the loadout
- let us rotate the mech in the background when not specifically in the mechbay
- please make the group button bigger
- please let me close the group window by pressing ESC on my keyboard instead of finding the tiny x in the right edge of the screen
- please rename "SEND MESSAGE" something else to show that I have to press it to RECEIVE a message sent to me
- please consolidate all group related windows next to one another instead of having them at opposite sides of my screen
- make the "view" button (above checkout button) actually work to view what was added that you still have to purchase
Why should I have to purchase the same pattern for EACH mech I own? I bought one for the first mech I bought and realized that it wasn't unlocked for mech #2 I purchased.
This is extremely cheap. I can tell you I'm not spending any more cash on patterns if you leave it like this.
We can use colors across all mechs...why not patterns? (besides the excuse of greed).
I like this game, I even bought a Hero mech....but jesus the lack of basic UI management and user-friendly elements is making me cringe.
This is supposed to be out of beta? Please take the money I've spent and invest it towards cleaning up your UI, because it desperately needs it.