@ OP
I am a new player myself, here are some basic advices that you might find useful.
While all the advices you got are great, I believe new players should not try to reproduce what experienced players do. Like everything else you need to learn the rope. Here is a way that -I believe- let you learn while having an impact on the game :
1. Learn how to control your mech (obvious I know)
Grab the trial Jenner and load "Canyon Network" in "Training ground" (the place where you are alone with unmoving targets).
Then do the following :
- go full speed, without stopping
- when you meet one of the stationary target, engage it, still without stopping , and try to hit always the same leg
Like this you will learn how to control your mech, know at all time where your legs are, and teach you how to aim.
2. When you fell very confident about the way you are controlling your mech, jump in a real game, still using the trial jenner, and do the following :
a. Find a big fat slow assault (the best being a Atlas with EMC)
b. Stay behind him a bit on one side (
make sure he can back up anytime)
c. wait
d. wait again : this is important. forget about scouting, forget about zapping in the middle of the red team, just watch the butt of that big boy for the moment
e. Eventually he will meet some red guys, and here wait again (I know) until they start exchanging fire
f. Then take opportunity shots (they should be busy shooting at each other and hopefully nobody will look at you).
g. If someone get close to your big friend, hit it as hard as you can.
h. Be careful not to chase anybody too far, just stay close to your big bro.
i. If he gets jumped by 6 guys and he is about to die horribly, just abandon him (he is driving an assault after all, he should know what he is doing

), run away, and find another big blue to be friend with
Why doing so ?
- It's easy (or let say easier)
- you are helping one of your strongest ally, so you are having an impact
- you last longer in the game : more impact (and way more fun too)
- The Jenner is fast so you can relocate easily if you do a mistake
3. When you get a hack of it
You can try the same thing with the trial Hunchback (slower, but more power) & do some scouting with the Jenner, again stay close to the big boy you choose, but run a bit in front at the beginning, and retreat as soon as you seen something, without even trying to fire at him.
Do not concentrate too much about win/lose rate.
I had some game where I did nothing and my team win, and some where I have 3 kills do over 400 damage and lose 12/3. the trick is to enjoy it as long as you got a good fight even if you get rolled.
hope this help
Edited by Tereva, 21 April 2014 - 02:01 PM.