Posted 20 July 2014 - 04:07 PM
Greetings all,
It's been addressed before by the Dev.'s about terrain and where we see the Mech's feet placed.
- Most of the 'in game' ground and objects are not physically where we actually see them.
- The collision box's do not match the terrain, deemed to 'expensive' in processing requirements.
- Processing the ground angle, matched feet angle, different leg movement/placement, torso/body angle while moving on inclines, again too expensive to process and still have a playable game.
(and all needing to be 'checked' with the server for location and hit detection at every step, for every Mech.)
And don't even get me started on some of the Mech's designed to have the ability to actually 'crouch', to lower their profile and stabilize their fire. (seen if a few of the other BattleTech offerings)
Physical ground surface, Goe surface, soft and rigid art bodies, collision box's, all playing a roll in what we see and what's 'really there'. (watch the in game start of the layout o the map, water level, white mapped, (grey box) terrain geo, object placement. Many levels that need to be layered, meshed together, and have the Mech's appear to walk on the surface.
There's a few Dev.'s that could 'chime in' about some of the difficulties involved with 'multiplayer environments, server authoritive checks, fixed and moving objects in the environment. Many elements that are not see or dealt with when it's a simple 'retail' install.
(a few that could explain some of our concerns, and the trade offs they constantly fight with for processing, rendering, net traffic, and still be playable. In both Dx9 and 11, in win7 and 8, in 32 and 64bit systems. David Bradley, Omid Kiarostami, Alexander Schmidt, Karl Berg, and others)
It's not as simple as 'just place my Mech's foot on the physical ground, how hard can that be'. 'Step over stuff', when there is 'no version of step over' designed into the Mech's movement. 'Just kick that rock out of the way', when there's no collision with a movable object happening. Maybe you start to see that it's a multi-tiered issue and many different elements need to be addressed from different areas of development.
- Good news is Karl has mentioned that the Dx11 pipeline has received a big improvement and they are just waiting for the next CryEngine update for implementation. This doesn't help the terrain issues, but it's a start to cleaning up the visuals and may lead to better terrain modeling.