It's huge!

That's a real house back there (a birdhouse)

Showing off the Jade Falcon logo.

A whole family of Timber Wolves/Mad Cats!

Another shot of the family:

Dat succubus decal!

The full album of images:
Some description. The smallest one is the Timber Wolf miniature. The medium size version is the Armorcast model. This newest and largest version, over 30 cm tall, is the Horizon 1/35th scale kit.
Assembly and paint job by:
Succubus decal:
Decal custom printing:
Final word, if you want one of your own, this might actually be possible from what the guy at that Dark Zealot Studios has told me (additional models can be made I believe). So if you really want one, contact him and I think there is a possibility to have more made!