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Hit Registration

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#21 Veranova


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 04:59 AM

View PostShinVector, on 28 April 2014 - 04:34 AM, said:

LOL... Noted.. At 250ms.. Lasers hit registration is trash... All the time..

Yeah the sweet spot is more around 120-180ms, as that's about the average range. Interestingly this spider was at 160ms.

#22 Mad Porthos


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:00 AM

Been there, seen this happen all the time. I'm in the somewhat woeful position of having been a light pilot with a ping down in the 20-30 range. Woeful I never would have characterized it as before, or in any other game, but as HSR came in, it first started effecting my Commandos. I used those buggers as hit and run beasties who could handle really well. They would peek through a piece of scenery or run parallel to a ridge and unleash SRM volleys with precision into the backside or frontside of mechs on the other side precisely as they and I passed by gaps. It took alot of prediction, of angles, using either the 360 or the seizmic when it worked, to know the angle I would have to fire at. It also took realizing how my missiles would travel when I fired at an angle while moving. But I could do it.

Then HSR improvements kicked in and my playstyle lost it's logical, realistic advantage. I would hit and run fire at the precise moment I was able to get my missiles through a gap, they would fly and hit the opponent, explode as I could see them in the corner of the screen (because I was nearly past the gap), then another 45 -60 meters further on, lasers or ballistics would errupt through the RIDGE that was completely covering me and peg me dead center, killing my commando or badly crippling it. Flash flash flash.

This was extremely disconcerting, because in many cases, the precise thing that notified my targets I was THERE had been my missiles hitting and damaging... which the game was honoring, but visually, because of someone's relative ping and "game state" they only then long after I'd passed were seeing me passing throught the gap and would fire. Because of this disconnect and HSR honoring that THEY saw themselves hitting in the period of time that I was briefly visible on the screen, it had to trace those hits on me and zot me, doing damage. I suppose it's fair in a way, in that I got to do damage and they did too, but when the event that actually notified them of my existance, my missiles HITTING them, is the first factor notifying them I am there, it seems unfair that they then can fire at the ghost of me because they have bought themselves a "reaction time" buffer artificially. My movement should have cleared me of the danger zone, that's why making such a trick shot is a worthwhile skill to develop, using terrain as cover. I could just as easily have messed up and dumped the missiles into the hillside.

That is the issue I have not with high ping, but with "deliberately induced" high ping, and those who seek it's "sweet spot". By definition, one is looking for an amount of time or "lag" where one can still concievably compensate, by leading opponents with the skills one has already developed, but where you get a sort of slight second sense or sight, as incoming threats start to miss you because of some level of desync, or you see those hapless volleys slam into you but then get to fire back at the shooter of them dead on, seeing a version of them from "the past" when they just had fired them, rather than after they've made thier escape. One would think that ping differences of so little... 160ms on their part, 30 on mine would only be fractions of a second, but it seems at times other desyncs multiply it enough that it allows really annoying incidents, invalidating some shots, while allowing return shots that violate all laws of physics but must be honored due to HSR.

So far as I was given the impression, my actual hit registration as a person with a ping of 20-30 should be dead on. HSR should be honoring that I have seen the target on my screen, dialed in on thier location and pasted them with my missiles or lasers or ballistics. Yet on people I am seeing in this 120-180 range, I see lasers and ballistics doing weird convergence dances, showing hits at an invisible wall or location a few meters to thier left or right... perhaps thier "real location"? But these are viewed as false positives, as there is no update to the damage paper doll. Often the situations making this MOST obvious is the shut down state of the mechs being fired on... Jenner 7-F's with thier 6 medium lasers often desperately try to get off one or two last alphas and risk brief shutdowns. Yet shots on them either converge weirdly because they aren't registered right as targets when shutdown and powering back up, as it relates to ping, or else dead center hits just are not honored. This happens more as one gets those "sweet spot" pings.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 28 April 2014 - 06:19 AM.

#23 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:54 AM

I get 90 ping to the server, and I get very poor hitreg with point-fire weapons like lasers and MG's.

Many times its lights or a fast mediums, and I'll literally be right behind a guy chasing him and the damage dealt is minimal even though I see damage glow or impact effects just lighting them up.

On the flip side, people register hits on me just fine regardless of what mech I'm in, or how fast I'm moving I get cut to pieces.

I also notice weird anomalies, such as leading a target with lasers, which as far as HSR being concerned would be complete misses are registering damage especially on fast targets. Or even against an assault that is moving sideways I'll aim at center torso with laser and see the glow damage on its chest dead center, but damage registering on the trailing torso or sometimes even farther over on his arms.

Then there is this recent issue, where I'll be facing the oposing team, and see them fire at me where I should take damage on the front, but it registers on my backside instead. Been happening in my Blackjack and Raven alot.
Where incoming damage should be hitting my front, and it just rips through my weaker back sections.

Could be issues with tickrate, and one of the devs explained later that on a frame by frame register serverside that HSR is calculating those impacts as having already passed through me and register hits behind me ect.. weird.

I really wish that hitreg was based on Clientside reporting a little better, might get laggy when they 200 pingers show up, like some other games you can have already ran behind cover on your side but for the other player he scored hits before you got there behind cover, but at least its more honest.

Edited by Mister D, 28 April 2014 - 07:13 AM.

#24 ShinVector

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 07:52 AM

Someone before mentioned that DX11 + Vsync might seems to improve hit reg. I am testing this theory out.
Normally I have vsync off and on DX9.

Legged a spider in mid air.. but it was a scrappy Spider V.. need more testing.

Edited by ShinVector, 28 April 2014 - 08:20 AM.

#25 IceCase88


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 08:56 AM

View PostSethAbercromby, on 28 April 2014 - 12:56 AM, said:

That was your mistake. as already stated, The paperdoll shows the enemy 'Mech facing you. Which mean the leg you see on the right is actually the left leg. This setup makes it more intuitive to tell what you need to shoot at in a direct firefight. Hit registration has nothing to do with this.

PS: So many people raging without actually reading...

If that is the case then they need to change on the enemy ragdoll the R for right leg and L for left leg because when we are both facing the same direction and I am behind him shooting his right leg it should register on the right leg. Someone has it screwed up in the coding where the shots register on the ragdoll. It is one thing to be face to face with the opponent and shoot the right side of the enemy mech for it to register on the left leg which would be correct. I don't think it even does that correctly half the time. The problem is not me it is PGI.

#26 ShinVector

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 09:27 AM

View PostIceCase88, on 28 April 2014 - 08:56 AM, said:

If that is the case then they need to change on the enemy ragdoll the R for right leg and L for left leg because when we are both facing the same direction and I am behind him shooting his right leg it should register on the right leg. Someone has it screwed up in the coding where the shots register on the ragdoll. It is one thing to be face to face with the opponent and shoot the right side of the enemy mech for it to register on the left leg which would be correct. I don't think it even does that correctly half the time. The problem is not me it is PGI.

I asked PGI before about why the Ragdoll/paperdoll REAR Left and right for your mech and the enemy mechs is on different sides...
PGI Says "By Design".... Sooooo end of story. I was wrong... You are wrong... Who ever in PGI designed it that way is 'Right.'

Also... Do notice the letters L & R on the paperdoll is on the correct sides where damage is taken.

Edited by ShinVector, 28 April 2014 - 09:28 AM.

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