It seems that the highest scores come from the players surviving through to the latter half of the battle. The interesting point is that the difference isn't just 2x; it's often 3-4x as much damage dealt.
Good players: live longer, more bang-bang, higher accuracy... all true... Except that doesn't explain it working the same with my own scores (I'm a mediocre player at best).
The other mystery is that I can't always reconcile ammo spent, damage per shell, and my average accuracy with the times that I get massive scores.
My theory:
Damage dealt isn't just armor and structure. It's including the damage dealt to weapons & equipment (crit damage). Furthermore, if a whole component (arm / leg / whatever) is destroyed, the health of all the equipment, now destroyed, is added to the damage value.
This, if true, makes damage dealt a pretty terrible stat for judging performance of players, weapons, or much of anything, really.
Any ideas on how to test this? Happy to hear refutations or other theories.
Edited by Egomane, 02 May 2014 - 02:41 AM.