These days I've had some sort of crisis in confidence for the Highlander-732. Maybe it's just "my baby" a while back when the meta was in high gear and I "collected" in winnings for a mechbay.
After a month or two after Paul's infamous nerfs for JJs (for all mechs, but one change affecting the Highlander the most) and torso twist (for the Victor and Highlander), I did set out on an exploration mission to find out how the Victor was post-nerf.
I had concluded at the time that the Victor needed 3 JJs to function as a proper poptart. Would someone care to let me know how important it is to have the 4th one or is it overrated?
The torso twist nerf was notable. I'm used to the now-nerfed Victor's torso twist, but putting a 320 engine on it is seemingly no better/worse than putting a 325 engine on the Highlander-732.
Am I wrong to believe that the 733C suffered the least of said torso twist nerf?
Actual numbers can be found here:
JJ changes/numbers (to a degree) can be found here:
I've tried to max out on the 732's JJs (3 max) and it almost feel to me that I have to be "extra patient" for it to be effective. I have not run the 733C in a while (have grinded/mastered them out) and I'd like to hear experiences of running 4 JJs or even 5 JJs on the Heavy Metal (all other Highlanders have 3 JJs max). Is putting 4 JJs that much more helpful, or is the 3 JJ cap on Highlanders a constraining thing at this point in time?
Please note that Highlander is currently the only Assault using 2 ton JJs, and that the Victor uses 1 ton-JJs that are specific to lighter Assaults (between 80 and 85 tons). At the moment, those are the only mechs that use JJs that are not shared between other mechs.
Is it worth exploring the other side... the true meta Highlander (733C) or take a more exploratory look at the Victor-9S (which I still have from the journey - didn't try 4 JJs as of yet)?
Am I just a man on an island?
