So my feature request/user story is this:
As part of Premium Private Matches (i.e. minimum 2 people with Premium time), please build in:
Spectator mode.
- Spectator mode is a free floating, flying camera mode which someone can use to observe an MW:O game.
- Spectators can target all mechs in the game with full information/health status instantly available.
- Enabling Spectator would simply be checking a checkbox in the lobby, much like the ready button (check Spectator, click ready).
- A Spectator having Premium time activated counts towards the minimum required for Premium Private Match play.
There are other benefits to this beyond simple spectating - people could start recording Machinima with minimal fuss - guys like Celestial would probably be over the moon for it, especially if it was a proper flying cam mode.
Here's hoping this might be something you'd consider soon - it would make the tournament scene/competition scene a lot more engaging for players (and spectators) alike!