Recent match, Forest Colony.
Just recently. Destroyed leg from enemy mech, awarded xp as shown my ingame "Destroyed Component tip". Enemy mech destroyed by other teamate (other leg), didnt notice kill assist xp/awards. Could of just missed it, alot going on in match at this point. Match proceeds, Destroyed leg from another (different) enemy mech, awarded xp as shown my ingame "Destroyed Component tip". Enemy mech destroyed by other teamate (other leg), again didnt notice the kill assist reward, as alot is happening at this point too. I do know I saw the component destroyed however on both. Match end in defeat (sadly) Score board shows 1 Kill assist. It's happend to me more then once.
I will get screens, possibly video to add post, and other bug reporting information, soon. Keeping a close eye on this kinda thing now. I'm pretty sure I've even seen kills not even counting (such as getting kill ingame, and not seeing xp rewards nor score at end match. Like the grind isn't bad enough already xD
Edited by Omaha, 10 May 2014 - 07:56 AM.