Pariah Devalis, on 12 May 2014 - 05:17 PM, said:
At which point, you not only missed the point of the statement, but let your emotions flavor both your replies to me, in which case as far as an argument is concerned you make yourself lose. Arguments are based on logic, not emotion. Emotion that, in this case, was totally unfounded.
If that is not clear enough for you, then maybe I should break this sucker down line by line. Try to follow.
Person has source material (in paper).
Person proclaims that Sarna, the single most readily available, public access source of Battletech material, to be an invalid source.
If sarna is invalid, only official publications in paper print (or digital copy thereof) are valid.
Argument made by anyone must be backed up by evidence to support their claim, but person (I have been using "you" as, quite honestly, it flows better) has decreed that only the either out of print or non-free sources of lore may be considered as valid, otherwise the argument is invalid.
This means that either you have the paper (which some either cannot get or will not spend money on for internet arguments), or you have no argument and you have no right to offer an argument.
That, my friend, is bull, especially because while I am sure 23.775% of statistics are made up on the spot the same can be said about your assumptions about Sarna's material. Probably closer to 90% of Sarna is accurate where the lore really matters. We are not talking weapon damage values, ranges, table top rules, or what not. We are talking lore, 100% of the official material which is generated by the Battletech/Mechwarrior novels, TROs, Era Reports, and Battlecorps.
This material is what is copied into Sarna. Minor pre-school level dot connecting might happen in the SUPERMEGA articles, but for the sake of the topic OF THIS FORUM SUBJECT, we are talking about the Direwolf and it, originally, being a Wolf design was claimed as not the case before the proclamation of no-sarna was uttered. Which was wrong. Which was refuted with a Sarna link. Which was met with "I just said Sarna is not a good source!" AKA, "you do not have the source material, shut up."
But, turns out, Sarna was right. Why? Because it was a reliable source. Despite the proclamation. It proves its own fallacy.
Meanwhile, this all ignores that you, your friends, or a complete stranger who actually does have the source material is totally and 100% free to go onto Sarna if something seems amiss, doublecheck the material you or they have, and correct it so that Sarna is even closer to accurate.
Sarna is a product of community input. If it is not 100% accurate than the onus of making it so lies squarely on the shoulders of those with the resources to do so. This nugget of hilarity is what really grinds my gears about the prior statement that "Sarna should not be used as a source." If it is not accurate, the only people who are to be blamed are the community members that refused to make it accurate (aka: the ones with the paper material), and no one else.
Is that absolutely, perfectly clear?
I have a huge problem with the argument. I have no personal care either way for you.
Not only does this have nothing to do with the original point, it completely over looks the obvious fallacy as (presumably) it doesn't suit your argument. The original point was not who designed the Direwolf, but where Canon sources of mech manufacturing can be reviewed.
You're arguing that Sarna can be relied upon as a representation of Canon. That's just simply incorrect. The BTU owners have disavowed Sarna as a source of canon and regardless of what you may or may not think about the quality of Sarna, IT IS NOT A CANON SOURCE. That's it, end of story. There is no if, but, or maybe, it simply IS NOT A CANON SOURCE.
Now lets look at your argument that you're right and I'm wrong on the subsequent point. I am quite happy to concede that the Direwolf was designed by Clan Wolf, it wasn't in my TRO3050 who did, I did say I might have the names around the wrong way and I couldn't remember the Battlemech where the reference was to recheck that.
Now you can freely admit that the Sarna page in reference has at least 2 errors on the subject matter of the OP. The Sarna page quite clearly states that the Direwolf is manufactured at Huntress and Outreach as well as Strana Mechty which on the relevant pages for Huntress and Outreach, is incorrect. Indeed, even the TRO InRev quoted reads that it is produced on Strana Mechty. So a reader of Sarna will get the impression that the Direwolf is produced at 2 locations which is not supported by canon. It also quite possible that a reader of Sarna might come to the conclusion that the Direwolf is manufactured in the Inner Sphere, cause that what it says (Outreach being only a little removed from Terra)
Is it hard for you to concede that? That actually indeed, this Sarna page source on this subject has at least 2 possible errors to Canon. Will you concede it, CAUSE THAT'S THE POINT HERE. That Sarna has many errors and needs to be treated with CARE.
ERGO: My original point is that the Sarna can be a good source on Mech manufacturing centres, but needs to be treated with CARE still stands, it has after all your words still proven to be the case.
Why are you so angry that I state the bleeding obvious? That Sarna is not Canon, is a Wiki authored by many and while it's a good read and can give insights, it needs to be treated with care when presenting as Canon. I'm far from against Sarna, in my first post I actually endorsed using it as a starting point.
I can see you have a problem with the argument, you're obviously taking it personally. I'm sorry that you do but it really isn't open to debate. Sarna is NOT canon and should be treated with care if the goal is to represent it as canon. If you read that statement of fact as some sort of elitist personal insinuation, that's on you.
If you think Sarna is 90% accurate them I have to assume you have a lot of Source books to compare it to (cause otherwise, how would you know) so I guess you're one of those people who should be spending your time contributing to the Sarna resource?
You knock yourself out. In my experience it only takes a few months for it to get re edited to another fanboy fantasy but if you think it's worth the effort, you go for it. Clearly you have some passion for the subject.
So let me summarise in reply
Sarna is not Canon, that's a fact (check the link below)
Sarna can be a good source, but needs to be treated with care if you are making Canon representations.
Is that clear enough for you?
I'd like here to just as dismissive of you as you closed your post but I can't quite sink that low.
Good Luck to you.