Kudzu, on 17 November 2011 - 09:03 PM, said:
Oddly, it still works the same way for all the AC's no matter what the class. Imagine that. LBX series has an OPTION for cluster rounds but can still fire solid slugs, and if you take more than 1 ton of ammo you can mix and match to use as desired (solid slugs to open up armor, cluster to maximize your chance to get crits). The ability to chose between the two is one of the major advantages over regular AC's.
So, instead of using the fluff of the actual Canon cannon I mentioned, you would prefer that every single AC in the world act exactly the same way, completely removing the cool thing the devs could by making different weapons (for $2.99) actually act like the fluff says they do. Thanks for making our game less interesting.
Speed, distance, heat, damage taken... there's a lot more to it than you like to admit. It's too bad a system that allows you control over how well you shoot isn't involved enough for you. The option to still have everything you fire hit the same spot is still there, you just have work for it. But that would require skill, wouldn't it?
Man you just want to attack. You are sticking to unloaded guns. I fly high fidelity flight combat simulators. Where those things and a 100 other things like wind direction, ECM pods, beaming, AoA, Sun, clouds...all come into play. I want physics to do all those things. Not "cone of fire". That is what Pirahana will do, because that's what the Crysis engine can do. You stick to yer dice though.
Gee, I wonder what that recharge timer between shots means...

Yes recharge time. Who cares about reload time? That's a given for every weapon. I'm trying to help you with your laser panic, by adding additional skill through timing. You just go ahead and point and click though (but don't target anything, CoF will take care of that.) That'll be real hard. You're right though, in an age of portable reactors, having my ER Large charged to full 100% of the time probably wouldn't cause any heat issues.
One day I hope that I, too, can make up things about a subject I clearly don't understand and post it on the internet.
I got news, this is a Online game. You're going to need to try some computer games so that you can get comfortable with how this will play out. Also, stop being a bottom end. I'm not being ****** to you, just accurate.
You realize that if you don't go full throttle, aren't redlining the heat scale, and are in a good range for your weapons you hit what you're aiming at consistently under expanding reticule cone of fire too, right? You have full control over how big the circle gets-- and it becomes a much more involved system than "point-click-kill". You have to decide if you want to trade speed for accuracy, survivability for firepower.
That's a total given. I want the mech to jiggle. I want the weapons to actually jiggle on their actuators. We don't need to cheat with CoF physics. Its unnecessary. I'm sorry my friend but you cannot make "managing heat" and "speed" interesting enough to overcome the "Point and click" of Cone of fire "hope I hit!"
I want the game to reflect the game it was designed after-- to simulate Battletech. Why do you want to make it into call of duty- the mecha edition?
First of all, Battle
Tech is a universe. I want to simulate a Battle
Mech. The universe is you and me, but I guess we'll be on opposite sides. Secondly, its obvious that you don't play video games, because you would know that Call of Duty makes extensive use of your Cone of Fire. The FPS game I play, Arma 2, (built off a military sim for various RL Armies: VBS2) does not, it waggles the gun when you run and are trying to catch your breath. Same thing, different immersion and skill required.
I don't know what you are trying to win other than BattleTech rule book accurathon. Stop trying to put everything
in the box, and start pulling stuff
out. Actually think, beyond the CoD cone of fire, of cool interesting ways to do things, and what what would look and feel like in the game.
Lets say your left Arm actuator gets hit. That arm reticle now moves slower. So your TC compensates, and the left arm has its own targeting now, much slower, or stopped, depending on critcal damage and how fun it is. Hopefully, there is no random shots, because the left arm lags behind when you twist right. (Especially with a free targeting circle).
Is that one CoF or two?
Edited by Technoviking, 18 November 2011 - 12:42 AM.