Amechwarrior, on 18 November 2011 - 05:10 PM, said:
That left side column is not what anyone advocating CoF actually wants. Does anyone want the left column(100% cone effects, no reticle swinging, no recoil jostle just-coneBIG/conesmall), please speak up? We all see the problem with hyper accurate fire and we got 2 strong sides advocating only their own solution. But why not have "just a little" cone of fire?
-- I forgot to change the text on top of the 3rd panel, ignore that. --

-- I forgot to change the text on top of the 3rd panel, ignore that. --
Let it be hard to get a bead on the target, let there be travel times, recoil compensations, laser time on target, but toss in just a little bit of cone to prevent total domination of the potential cases that allow hyper accurate fire. Even if you add in problems like VYCanis's model they can be learned, mitigated and neutralized by skilled players. These examples use smaller, faster targets and more chaotic movement then anything you will see in MW. They show that as long as you have inherently accurate aim, factors like slow time to target, rapid visual adjustments and small windows of opportunity are defeatable.
I do not want to negate a highly skilled players advantage. Adding a small amount of weighted cone of fire combined with the heavy sim elements would still allow better pilots to be better at mitigating the reticle movement factors, but not let put an Awesomes 3 PPCs in the same location reliably.
Everyone is taking sides like you cannot combine these game mechanics for greater overall balance.
seems like a good idea.