Battlecruiser, on 06 May 2014 - 12:56 PM, said:
If both teams have lrm boats its about which lrm boat can farm the fastest.
annecdotal proof of nothing. Sorry man. This game was lost long before with LRMs being part of a greater whole.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: LRM mechs are like alligators. They are opportunistic hunters who get the unaware and careless.
When you watch tapes of successful 12man groups, you see almost no LRMs. In the matches I've been in, I faced a handful of teams that had more than 1 LRM mech, and only one of them won their match.
ECM is still OP in matches compared to LRMs when you consider the fact that 1.5 tons can cancel the main weaponry of a every LRM mech in the game unless they invest in far more counters to it in both weight, slots and hardpoints.
LRMs, are not the boogyman. They are not even totally comparable to the dominant ballistic builds of the day due to their slow speed, long arming range, high bulk and low damage percentages plus ease of counter.
This is just the way it is, and nobody is being fooled by complaints about LRMs being OP when they pilot with them and learn they are not the 'easy button' they claim when being honest.