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Uac5 Vs Ping

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#1 Zordicron


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 06:43 PM

My ping, well it fluctuates because of my lousy ISP. Not much I can do about that, they have a monopoly in my area(Frontier)

So, UAC5. When I play a match with decent ping(like, less then 200) the gun is mostly normal. What I mean is, the jam mechanic. it triggers, but only about so much as what I would expect. Continuous fire will trigger it, paced fire helps control it.

Before I get to far, I should add my most recent use of it is a single mount on Huggin. I havent used the UAC5 pretty much anywhere else in months because one of the changes to jam made it completely unreliable.... I am getting ahead of myself-

When my ping gets in the 300 range, the jam starts to act up. maybe I can get 3 shots off before a jam. maybe 2.

When my ping hits the 400 mark(yes, sadly, this happens nightly depending on population online and who/where my team mates are from) the jam mechanic becomes completely out of hand. Gun jams before a shot is fired, 3 times in a row, one shell gets fired, jam. Just got out of 3 matches in a row, in this scenario.

I carry 90 rounds. My huggy loadout is UAC5 and 3MG. 3 tons ultra ammo, 1 ton MG. I enjoy it. Earlier tonight with 100-150 ping, I was doing 300+ dmg and consuming pretty much all ammo for the ultra, with some shots going out past max optimal range and some going into the dirt as I fire at lights etc. Ping hits 300, jam mechanic starts really crimping my dmg output, i end up at sub 200 and half my ultra ammo in the bin yet due to inability to actually fire it.

When I got up to 400 ping in my last to matches, my dmg dropped to sub 100, and the ammo was 70% in the bin at end of match. I litterally had one match on FC where I fired 5 rounds, and got 7 jams during those 5 rounds, twice in a row one time without a shell out the barrel. Nothing says dangerous like poking out around a corner to peg an unsuspecting foe then (left mouse click) instant weapon jam.

I have to presume that the jam failure is due to the way ping messes with the packet loss/HSR code stuff, making the server see my commands differently then I do, and incorrectly at that.

So then, I would suggest making the jam mechanic client side authoritative. I am no coder though, and so I am not sure if it is possible to do it without exposing that code to player hacking. As it is, i really like to use the weapons, but I cant. I have a half dozen of them sitting in storage because the last(or maybe two times ago?) jam adjustment made it so my fluctuating ping DESTROYS the functionality of the gun.

So then, thoughts on this? anyone else notice the correlation here? Oh and please spare me the "your doing it wrong" elitism stuff, I have been playing forever and understand how it works. when I click to fire the gun, and it jams without a shell firing, twice in a row, it isnt user error or even bad random number stuff- it happens, A LOT, and directly ties to what my ping is for the match as I have observed for numerous matches over a lengthy timeframe.

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