I am interested in playing stock, but Mondays are a 100% never for me. Would anyone like to do a Stock Saturday? Around 9 p.m. CST.. We'll be running 3025 versions, totally unmodified (including armor placement). Check the "Tech 1 List" for your mech of choice.
If you are interested, shoot me a friend invite in game.
Should you be interested in playing, try getting a stock medium 'mech. The plan is to do 3/6/2/1 eventually. (Three lights, six mediums, two heavies, one assault). This is closer to 3025 era company structure.
Thanks to the guys at Mechforce: Classic, and Orbit Rain, we have a Teamspeak:
Orbit Rain, on 17 May 2014 - 03:15 PM, said:
PW: StranaMechty
Use the MechForce: Classic - Stock Mech Monday Dropships, that's what they're there for!

Edited by Psycho Farmer, 20 May 2014 - 06:16 AM.