3 Chasis variants including a hero and a champion variant
30 days premium time
3 mechbays
If PGI could align the price of this with what other games charge for a monthly subscription ($15) I bet they would get alot more reoccuring revanue.
With a 50% sale on the bunldes the light and medium bundles are right in a sweet spot, with the assult bundle not to bad estimated around $20.
So PGI, lets see these bundles for all mech variants and throw them into the 50% sale rotation.
Note to PGI: Please give me one Victor Mastery bundle for my suggestion!
Light Mastery bundle (Firestarter)
1x FS9-E (2625 MC value)
1x FS9-S(C) (1620 MC value)
1x FS9-H (1055 MC value)
30x Premium time Days, activated (2500 MC value)
3x Mech bay, for included Mechs (900 MC value)
SubTotal (before rebate): 8700 MC
Rebate 50%: -4350 MC
Total: 4350 MC
Medium Mastery bundle (Centurion)
1x CN9-YLW (3750 MC value)
1x CN9-A(C) (1850 MC value)
1x CN9-D (3265 MC value)
1x Centurion statue (750 MC value)
30x Premium time Days, activated (2500 MC value)
3x Mech bay, for included Mechs (900 MC value)
SubTotal (before rebate) 13015 MC
Rebate 50%: -6515 MC
Total: 6500 MC
Heavy Mastery bundle (Cataphract)
1x CTF-IM (5250 MC value)
1x CTF-3D(C ) (4945 MC value)
1x CTF-4X (2095 MC value)
1x Cataphract statue (750 MC value)
30x Premium time Days, activated (2500 MC value)
3x Mech bay, for included Mechs (900 MC value)
SubTotal (before rebate): 16440 MC
Rebate 50%: -8220 MC
Total: 8220 MC
Assault Mastery bundle (Stalker)
1x STK-M (6375 MC value)
1x STK-3F(C) (3815 MC value)
1x STK-5M (3230 MC value)
1x Stalker statue (750 MC value)
30x Premium time Days, activated (2500 MC value)
3x Mech bay, for included Mechs (900 MC value)
Total in MC (before rebate) 17570 MC
Rebate 50%: -8785 MC
Total: 8785 MC