"Nothing has changed from this original vision of where we want to take Community Warfare. The thing about Community Warfare the decision to push it out further post Open Beta, is the sheer size of the feature and the amount of time to implement. Right now we want the dev team to focus on getting the current game feature set into the live build and then stabilize the build as people join us through the first few weeks of Open Beta. Soon after, a large segment of the entire team will shift over to getting Community Warfare coded and implemented so we can get this into the hands of internal/early beta tester’s hands so we can launch the feature in the future. Because of the sheer workload of this feature we cannot give you an accurate timeline for delivery for this but we will start rolling out information as we begin development of Community Warfare."
After this big gameplay injection, we will look at the plan for the Clan Invasion. Dev Update Oct 12, 2012
"Sometime between this winter and next spring, Piranha plans to roll out Community Warfare, which will turn Mechwarrior Online into an intergalactic territory battle between as many as 10 Playable factions" PC Gamer, December 2012
"UI 2.0 is going to be late summer. It has to come in one shot. CW will come online in spurts from now until then."Creative Director Update, April 03, 2013
"Development is moving along nicely. The team has split in two, with about half of us working on features, and the other half working on delivering regular updates, bug fixes, content, and tuning. Through the summer work on UI 2.0 and Community Warfare will continue to dominate as we work towards launch and beyond." Creative Director Update, July 25, 2013
"We need about 6 more months to roll this out. Right after UI 2.0 is delivered you'll get the first phase of CW" Launch Party, September 2013
"The first set of features for Community Warfare have been broken down and reviewed by engineering. The systems engineers have a roadmap and schedule in which they will start addressing the needs of all new systems required by Community Warfare and are working on the core layout for faction/unit gameplay." Paul Inouye Project Update, December 02, 2013
"The final phases of Community Warfare are going through design review and high level scope assessment. The general idea has been generally accepted and a few holes need to be patched here and there. As a whole, the design has changed slightly to ensure that everyone playing the game will be able to influence the overall Inner Sphere conflict. While it is still much too soon to discuss details, I just wanted to let you know that the very large design for CW is fully underway and is being looked at by all members of the development team for maximum thoroughness and buy in for delivering the final feature." Paul Inouye Project Update, April 11, 2014
* see http://www.reddit.co...26epoy/liestxt/
Edited by Chemie, 25 May 2014 - 07:15 AM.