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Tuesday Theme Nights! Upcoming: Capture The Flag!

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#1 Victor Thane


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 04:18 PM

For those of you who don't know, The Comstar NA Teamspeak Server (na1.mech-connect.net no PW) used to hold Tuesday Scramble events every week. With the advent of the Launch Module, they are effectively dead, sad to say. On the bright side, this gives all of us room for a new weekly event to take place! From now on, as long as we can keep people coming, we'll be holding Tuesday Theme Nights on the server, starting at 8:30 PM, EST.

But what is this wondrous event, you ask?

Simply put, each week we'll decide on a Theme to put forth. For simplicity's sake, this first night we will be doing ESCORT MISSIONS! These themes will change every week, and we will put notifications in the channel description about the theme that's coming up.

Themes thought of thus far:

Escort Missions
Solo Duels
Lance Duels
Grand Melees
Assault/Defend the Base
Capture the Flag
Particular Weapon type battles (for example, only SRMs allowed)
Consumable/Module Restricted battles
Tag-ins (Everyone partners up, and the 2nd player can only enter the battle once the first is dead.)

Obviously there are more ideas out there, and we want to hear from you! What do you all want to play, and how can we make it happen?

Where will this take place?

On the Comstar NA server (na1.mech-connect.net no PW) right where the Scramble Channel used to be, that is, right above the general-use dropships.


Tuesday nights, @ 8:30 PM EST. The first one will take place on 5/13/2014, that's next Tuesday.

Who can come?

Everyone! And we do mean everyone! Your fellow Unit members not have anything to do? Spread the word and bring them on down! Your friends in real life (who need to be brought into the game)? Get them in with this! Does your dog have a login? Tell that canine to mount up and get ready for battle!

Why are we doing this?

Because the Scrambles offered all who played them a chance to get some drops in with people they didn't know and have fun doing it. This is another chance to help keep those community ties strong, and build new ones while we're at it.

So in summary: Tuesday Theme Nights! Comstar NA server! Community! Fun!

Edit: UPCOMING THEME: CAPTURE THE FLAG! Tuesday, June 3rd, 8:30PM EST.

1. Team Referees will form two teams in a Private Lobby.
2. All players need a Light or Medium mech armed with NARC (and if they desire, TAG) and nothing else. Other weapons and artillery/air are prohibited, as the point of this game is collecting flags, not destroying the enemy.
3. Game Mode will be set to Conquest. Only the two home bases will count for flag-grabbing.
4. The goal is to get as many 'flags' as possible. To do this, teams must get a friendly mech into the enemy's base and back to their own.
5. Be warned, however! Team Refs for each side will be staying within view of the base as non-combat observers. Once you enter a base, the Ref will get on open comms and announce your possession of the flag.
5a. Only 1 flag per team can be in motion at a time. Flagbearers will be first-come, first-serve.
6. At that point, the flagbearer must return to his team's base. If successful, the Ref watching will announce the point gain. 1 Point per flag.
7. To stop the flagbearer, opposing teams must hit the him/her with a NARC. Once marked, the flagbearer loses the flag and his team must retry (Team Refs will be watching and will announce that he's NARC'ed for everyone to see/hear).
8. Game will go 15 minutes. At the end of the match, Refs will tally points and declare the winner!

Edited by Victor Thane, 27 May 2014 - 08:35 PM.

#2 Smokeyjedi


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 04:26 PM

Thinking outside the box is so awesome! sounds kewl!

#3 Ihasa


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 05:26 PM

Sounds fun indeed. Count me in!

#4 Helmer


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 05:39 PM

My name is Commander Shepard and this is my favorite event on the Citadel.


#5 Dracol


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Posted 11 May 2014 - 06:36 AM

Our test matches have been a blast. From what I can gather, we'll have plenty of premium time to get plenty of lobbies going. Have your mechs prepped and primed and we'll see ya on the battlefield!

Insider tip: Fast Atlai come in handy for the Escort Theme

#6 Dracol


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 04:36 PM

Tuesdays at 8:30pm EST.

Today's Theme: CAPTURE THE FLAG!

<<Everyone must have/build a Light or Medium Mech armed with NARC (and if they want, Flamers and TAG) to participate! No damaging weapons or modules besides Flamers allowed!>>

1. Team Captains will form two teams in a Private Lobby.
2. Game Mode will be set to Assault, probably on Canyon Network.
3. The goal is to get as many 'flags' as possible. To do this, get a friendly mech into the enemy's base and back.
4. Be warned, however! Team Organizers for each side will be staying within view of the base as referees. Once you enter a base, the Organizer will get on open comms and announce your possession of the flag.
5. Only 1 flag can be in motion at a time. Flagbearers will be first-come, first-serve.
6. At that point, the flagbearer must return to his team's base. If successful, the Organizer watching will announce the point gain. 1 Point per flag.
7. To stop the flagbearer, opposing teams must hit the flagbearer with a NARC. Once marked, the flagbearer loses the flag and his team must retry (Team Organizers will announce that he's NARC'ed for everyone to see/hear).
8. Game will go 15 minutes. At the end of the match, Organizers will tally points and declare the winner!

#7 Hexenhammer


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 05:00 PM

PST! PGI. Take notes. This thread has win!

#8 Victor Thane


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 05:30 PM

With the Comstar NA server undergoing maintenance right now, we're going to delay this particular event til next week.

So! Tuesday May 27th, 2014 will be CAPTURE THE FLAG! Join us and have fun!

#9 Dracol


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 04:01 PM

To night's the night for Capture the Flag! escort missions! Come one, come all to the Comstar NA teamspeak server to give your piloting skills a real work out.

Edited by Dracol, 27 May 2014 - 04:05 PM.

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