E.G. Arm mounted lasers only, without arm lock on they do jack ****, with arm lock they do far more damage.
I have actually had great success legging lights with lasers even when i am not leading my shots. With arm lock off, its a total crap shoot even if the light mech is walking slowly. Even on stationery mechs, lasers seem to be far more effective with arm lock on.
I'm theorizing that HSR shits itself when it has to deal with two different crosshairs aiming at different places, it gets confused about where you are aiming and tells you that you missed. With arm lock on, it sees both crosshairs on the same location and doesnt get confused so HSR kicks in correctly.
Anyone else wanna try testing this? High pingers only obviously since low pingers have no issues with hit registration/HSR.
Its totally amazing being able to shoot at a fast mech's legs with 5 med pulse lasers, no leading, and actually leg him instead of the typical armor being slightly scratched.
Edited by Jun Watarase, 05 June 2014 - 11:39 PM.