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I Think Hsr Might Not Be Working Correctly Without Arm Lock


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#1 Jun Watarase


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 11:38 PM

Ive noticed that i am getting far more "correct" hits where most or all of my damage actually gets applied to where i am shooting with lasers, with arm lock than without. This is even if all my weapons are mounted in the arms or torsos and not spread out over both.

E.G. Arm mounted lasers only, without arm lock on they do jack ****, with arm lock they do far more damage.

I have actually had great success legging lights with lasers even when i am not leading my shots. With arm lock off, its a total crap shoot even if the light mech is walking slowly. Even on stationery mechs, lasers seem to be far more effective with arm lock on.

I'm theorizing that HSR shits itself when it has to deal with two different crosshairs aiming at different places, it gets confused about where you are aiming and tells you that you missed. With arm lock on, it sees both crosshairs on the same location and doesnt get confused so HSR kicks in correctly.

Anyone else wanna try testing this? High pingers only obviously since low pingers have no issues with hit registration/HSR.

Its totally amazing being able to shoot at a fast mech's legs with 5 med pulse lasers, no leading, and actually leg him instead of the typical armor being slightly scratched.

Edited by Jun Watarase, 05 June 2014 - 11:39 PM.

#2 Aresye


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 01:42 AM

Even with just torso mounted weapons, if you have arm lock off you can aim with the same speed if you had arms.

I prefer arm lock on when using laser builds because it's much harder to keep lasers focused on a single point with it off. Just too jittery for my tastes.

Could it be that instead of a hit detection issue you may just be spreading laser damage out more due to the faster reticule speed?

#3 Jun Watarase


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 07:37 AM

I dont think so, the difference is so large its hardly a coincidence.

I just finished a game in which i shot at a jenner with arm lock off. My crosshair didnt light up as usual even though my arm mounted lasers were lighting it up. For the next volley i turned arm lock on and my crosshair lit up red and i didnt have to lead at all.

#4 Thorqemada


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 08:41 AM

I have more success aiming with Torso Weapons than Arm Weapons - Arm Weapons on horizontal unlocked Arms seem more unreliable than horizontal locked Arms.

Arm Lock transforms any Weapon into a Torso Weapon so its pretty possible that it increases the Hit-Chance and afaik many People use the Hotkey Armlock.

#5 Flying Blind


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 09:25 AM

This is pretty interesting. I'm a low linger but I feel like I should test it out anyway. hey Jun if HSR is working you shouldn't need to lead your target right? even with a high ping right? maybe someone who know hsr better can comment.

have you tried this in testing grounds? maybe it is something deeper than hsr.

would love to see a video of this.

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