So I randomally checked out the Media section to see if new concept art came up...
And saw these.
I'm still wondering about the design change from the bullet cockpit pod to the 747 cockpit blimp.
From the front it looks huge. Though this one has the best side angle..
It seems kinda wider in diameter. Yes the 'throat' or hanging box thing is about the right place, but the diameter of the overall 'dome' seems a little spread out? At the 'back' of the throat where it connects, the extra layer of plating that seems to have been added. I think that's a huge part of what's causing the 'I'm a button, push me with AC/20s" look.
it looks way better than the blimped picture still fat but meh acceptable, did u catch the maybe cockpit of the daishi in the vlog? i think towards end
Two days ago (that I saw) people only had the screenshot that replaced the concept art.
Corbenik, on 28 May 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:
it looks way better than the blimped picture still fat but meh acceptable, did u catch the maybe cockpit of the daishi in the vlog? i think towards end
Nope, saw a Timber Wolf cockpit near the beginning and toward the end, that was a Firestarter cockpit for the TrackIR testing.
Two days ago (that I saw) people only had the screenshot that replaced the concept art.
Well, yesterday somebody told me about the screenies being added, although I'm not sure if they were actually uploaded yesterday or earlier. Either way, you're still late.
FupDup, on 27 May 2014 - 12:49 PM, said:
-pictures snipped for loading times-
Okay, so it does look a bit better in-game, although the airplane nose is still out of proportion.
Speaking of proportion...
I finally did something I said I was gonna do.
I compared the Centurion to the concept art.
This took me 3 seconds (the actual scale factor, the aligning, comparing, etc. was much harder). Since the entire mech is in proportion with the concept image but wider (I spent hours comparing parts of the concept art and the 3D model at roughly the same height on my screen (laid down to draw on and trace), every aspect and trait lined up perfectly. So with that I learned how simple it was going to be, my entire focus was making the leg thickness match. Once I did that I compared the torso traits. Pelvis traits. Etc. at the same angle and traced and measured. Basically the scale factor was 15% narrower (thus why it only took 3 seconds; a couple of clicks and narrow).
Of course it wouldn't be quite as easy to change the hitboxes and such, but it goes to show this isn't as complicated as they make it sound.
Rescaled is always on your right.
Brown is rescaled. It was the two side by side poorly overlapped. Ignore the 'other' brown. (Note because of overlapping, the 'dark brown' is just the black making the brown darker.)
I came to realize the problem with how I did this image.
Here, the green, no matter how dark or light, is the Centurion rescaled.
Now I just need to get decent with photoshop.
Two days ago (that I saw) people only had the screenshot that replaced the concept art.
Nope, saw a Timber Wolf cockpit near the beginning and toward the end, that was a Firestarter cockpit for the TrackIR testing.
I saw that too....was like "wow now I could dig that". In mechs with side windows you could look to the side real fast and see if there is any enemy's over there, without moving your mouse off target.
At the start, that was a Timber Wolf cockpit, looked sexy.
The pics make the Daishi/Dire Wolf look far better then the original ones we saw. Plus the new camo pattern on it makes it look far better then the default orange/green pattern.
I kinda wish they'd shorten the barrel on the UAC5 in that arm to make it look more like an internal mount. Thats my biggest issue by far but I imagine the barrels for UAC/LBX 20's will be shorter.
Edited by MisterPlanetarian, 28 May 2014 - 03:19 PM.