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Two Things I Never Thought Would Go Together, Zombies And Bj's

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#1 Hans Von Lohman


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:10 PM

New Hero mech, the BlackJack "Arrow".

3 ballistic per arm
1 energy per side torso
1 energy in the Center Torso
4 jump jets.

So, the main thing is probably the fact you can boat MG's, but not neccessarily. You could run 5 MG's and an Autocannon, or twin AC's and 4 MGs.

Yet, the one that gets me, and even though I've known ever since the contest was held on the NGNG forums that the CT would have a laser it still begs the question.

Does the Blackjack need to be a Zombie?

I've got a Blackjack and I've never really felt it was vulnerable. It takes an XL engine really well.

Don't get me wrong, a CT laser is nice, but I'm not sure it will make that big of a difference.

The only thing I am hoping for is a bigger than normal engine, like a 250.

P.S. I had to go with that title. It was just too obvious.

Edited by Hans Von Lohman, 02 June 2014 - 04:11 PM.

#2 FupDup


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:27 PM

Depending on the engine limit, the loadout of choice for most hero BJs will probably be 2 ERLL, 6 MGs, some ammo, and a handful of external DHS.

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