Russ posted about a public poll to decide on a "mild refresh" or to keep the "heavy rework" tags we have now
Something that caught my attention was that while the online tags could be reworked fairly quickly
but the in game cockpit items would take longer to rework if we got new tags.
Don't get me wrong
I love the old logos, but I really do appreciate the new ones and the work that went into them.
My suggestion
If the community wills it, the clans tags/logo we use on the forums should be given the mild refresh to look more like the classic logos we love while at the same time and any game assets( flags, medallions, ect.) would stay as they are and keep the heavy rework.
The way Russ said it seemed as if the in game assets were complete or close to done.
It's a win win, we get to keep our nostalgia, and the art department's hard work goes on appreciated and saves labor that would be better utilized on new maps and all the nice new **** we all want.
With this solution they don't need to go back in game and redo any work they've already completed.
Plus people who like the new logos would be able to keep them in some way.
I was really moved by Russ' post about reworking the logos and you know damn well somebody at PGI worked hard to reinvent those logos, which honestly aren't bad.
Should that hard work be appreciated in some form?
I strongly believe this would be an awesome way PGI and the community could compromise and maybe even be a nice step to an improved relationship between PGI and the community.
Edited by Destructicus, 04 June 2014 - 07:51 PM.